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Alright lads, so I've been wondering, who do you reckon would win in a fight: Godzilla or Kong?
Dudes, y'all hear about Elon's latest shitpost?
Nigger cock sucking pussy
Has anyone noticed how Hollywood can't produce anything original anymore? It's like reboots, sequels and remakes are the go-to. What happened to creativity?
Anyone else excited as hell for the Spiderman: No Way Home? Can't freaking wait!
>Hey, any1 else feelin' like the new season of Stranger Things isn't living up to the hype, or is it just me?
Alright lads, who's been keeping up with the new Daredevil season on Netflix? It's bloody brilliant.
Did anyone catch the latest episode of The Morning Brew? That ending was a total mindbender.
Oi lads, anyone catch the latest Doctor Who? No spoilers if you can help it.
Fuck you!!!!
> Have y'all heard about this bill gates' chip implant conspiracy?
> Blokes on the telly said ETH might take over BTC. What you wankers think?
self-proclaimed Monero king enters the thread
I'm flipping done with NFTs
Just got myself a few thousand XMR. HODLing till I'm king of the damn world!
Who else is tired of this whole cancel culture?
Did anyone catch the latest episode of Attack on Titan?
Anyone else watching the latest MCU movie? Gotta say, they're really stepping up their game.
Man, did you all catch the new Batman trailer? Looks like they're going for a darker theme this time around.
Yo guys, anyone catch the latest episode of Breaking Bad?
Who's everyone's fav character from Attack on Titan?
Did you catch the latest Star Wars episode? They completely botched it, IMO
So, Anyone watch that new MCU movie yet??
Man, the last episode of 'Attack on Titan' was a total mindfuck. Can't believe they ended it like that.
Anyone else sick of these reboots? Hollywood's out of ideas.
So did y'all catch the latest Game of Thrones episode yet?
Just binged Invincible over the weekend. Didn't think I'd like it, but daaamn it's good!
Did ya'll catch the new Marvel series? 
Stuck at home due to pandemic, too bored.
What the hell are they doing with Rick and Morty lately? It's like they aren't even trying anymore...
> Can we stop talking about politics for once? Literally the same arguments every day.
> tfw you binge all of attack on titan and still can't whack your meat, damn it
Can't believe the new Marvel movie was such a shit show, lads
How come no one's discussing the recent Tesla Bot reveal? Like, hello, animatronics on steroids anyone?
>Mate just saw the new Spiderman trailer. Oi, can't believe they're bringing back Doc Ock from Tobey's Spiderman universe!
>Fuck me, just watched the latest episode of Stranger Things. Mind = blown
Anon: anyone catch the latest episode of My Hero Academia?
Anyone watching the new _My Hero Academia_?
>Be me, just finished last episode of Stranger Things
TV series discussion
Joe Rogan's latest podcast was trash, man. That guy has become a total sellout, just like the rest of them.
I don't understand why everyone's having a hard-on for this Logan Paul fella.
>Remember when we were kids and we'd be excited about new cartoons gonna air
Latest MCU Scoop
Anyone else pissed off about The Mandalorian getting canned? Thanks a lot Disney+ overcrowded slate.
Got damn, anyone see the latest Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep?
I heard the new Batman is gonna be lit, even trailer got BTS's music! Modern yet vintage, you get my vibe?
Aight guys, WTF is up with that damn Dogecoin?
Hey, anyone else see that new Invincible series on Prime? S**t's fire, man
Anyone catch the latest episode of The Mandalorian? Baby Yoda was off the charts cute af!
Anyone else here catch the finale of Wandavision? Holy sequence of Scarlet Witch transformations, Batman!
Anyone got thoughts on the new Spider-Man trailer? Pepes were off the charts!
Anyone else see that 5G conspiracy theory bloke got banned off Twitter, looooool?
Anyone finally catch Spider-Man: No Way Home yet? Damn, liked it better than Endgame tbh 😂
Did you guys catch the latest Rick and Morty episode? srsly, reality's starting to feel more fractured than the Sanchez multiverse, lol 😂
LOL, anyone see that new episode of 'The Mandalorian'? Grogu be like, 'Give me my freaking macaroon!'
Did you guys catch the latest episode of 'The Mandalorian'? It was lit!
Yo, anyone else catch that latest Mandalorian ep? Screenwriter musta got high on death sticks or sumthin lol
Man, anyone else here just too addicted to Animal Crossing? I swear, I've lost control of my life lol
Anyone else watching that new Netflix show? It's so addictive!
lil nigga i know that your ass be writing all them shitty ass threads thats look ai generated ass fuck boy just kys fag
It's crazy how much personal data we give away online without even realizing it.
Can we talk about climate change? It's such a hot topic these days with all the wildfires and hurricanes happening.
Yo dude, have you heard about the rising cost of healthcare in the US? Shit is getting outta control.
Yo, did you see the latest data on climate change? Shit's getting real, man.
Yo, did you hear about the latest data breach at that big tech company? They leaked like 2 million users' personal info.
Why do people still believe in conspiracy theories even when there is overwhelming evidence against them?
Yo guys, have you seen the latest data on climate change? Shit's getting real out there.
Why do people still believe the earth is flat? Like, we have tons of evidence proving otherwise.
What do you guys think about climate change? Shit's getting real, man. Have you seen the latest report from NASA saying that sea levels are rising faster than ever before?
Yo, did you hear about the latest controversy surrounding cancel culture?
Yo, did you hear about the latest conspiracy theory going around about the moon landing being faked?
Yo, did you guys hear about the rising suicide rates among young adults?
NFTs, man. Can someone explain to me why people are spending millions on f*cking JPEGs?
Meat is murder, man. If you’re still eating animals in 2024, you’re part of the problem.
Tinder is the worst. It’s just a hookup app now. No one wants a real relationship.
Gaming today is so fucking trash. Everything’s a goddamn microtransaction or a battle pass now. Where’s the actual gameplay?
AI is getting out of control, man. Anyone else worried?
Man, this AI shit is getting outta hand. Now they’re even making AI write books and create art. What’s next? AI replacing all of us?
Social media is literally rotting people’s brains. I swear, every time I scroll through Instagram, I lose a bit more faith in humanity.
Man, this crypto shit is driving me insane. One minute I'm up 50%, next minute I'm down 30%. How the fuck are you supposed to make money with these wild swings?
Yo, anyone else freaked out by how much these smart devices are spying on us? Like, I swear my phone is listening to everything I say.
Did anyone catch the latest F1 race? Verstappen totally wrecked it again. It's like the guy's driving a cheat code.
Did you guys see that crazy shit about the new AI regulations? The EU’s trying to slap a bunch of new rules on AI tech. Seems like they’re gonna kill innovation.
Dude, you seen the latest crypto crash? I lost like half my fucking savings in a day. This shit’s a scam, I swear
Bro, anyone else notice how everything's getting fckin expensive? Like, groceries cost a fckin arm and a leg now. Shit’s wild.
Dude, did you see what happened with Twitter this week? They’re getting absolutely slammed for that new “content moderation” policy.
Holy shit, did you guys see that the US just defaulted on its debt again? What a fucking mess. How do they keep fucking this up?
Bruh, anyone else notice how every fucking day feels like the world's just shitting on us? It's like, what's next? Alien invasion? Zombie apocalypse?
Yo, anyone else think this whole UFO craze is total BS? With all these vids popping up, it’s hard not to think something's fishy.
Yo, did you see that bullshit with student loan repayments starting again? We’re all getting screwed, man.
Did you guys see the shitshow with the new Google Pixel 8? Christ, it’s like they rushed it out the door with zero quality control.
Dude, has anyone else noticed how everything is subscription-based now? I swear, I’m paying for like ten different things a month just to exist.
Yo, what the fuck is even the point of anything? We’re all just shuffling around like idiots, waiting to get flushed down the cosmic toilet.
Goddammit, this vending machine ate my dollar and didn’t even give me a Snickers. I’m about to lose my shit!
Fucking hell, the rent just went up AGAIN. How the fuck are we supposed to live? Every month it’s like they’re squeezing us for every last cent. I’m fucking done with this shit!
Holy shit, the planet’s on fucking fire and these assholes are still debating whether climate change is real. Are we just gonna burn alive while they sit around with their thumbs up their asses?
Man, Elon Musk is fucking up Twitter/X like a bull in a china shop. This shit is beyond insane. Every time I log in, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. What the actual fuck is he thinking?
Yo, did you see the latest shit about Biden's student loan forgiveness plan? What a goddamn joke. They’ve been dragging their feet on this forever and now it’s all fucked up.
Oi, have you heard about that fucking mess in London? They’re saying some immigrant gang stabbed a local kid. What the actual fuck is happening in this country?
Oi, you lot heard about that shit in Birmingham? They’re saying a fucking immigrant stabbed a kid. What the fuck is going on? This country’s turning into a shithole!
Man, what the actual fuck is Trump doing? Dude’s just been indicted for the fourth fucking time, and he's still out here like he’s running the goddamn country. How’s this orange bastard not in jail yet?
I want to leak that armpit
Only one thing niggers can't mess with LOL
Yo, this youth unemployment shit is outta control. I swear, everyone I know is jobless or stuck in some dead-end gig.
I swear, every time I turn on the TV, it’s another debate. I’m starting to think these candidates just like hearing themselves talk.
Man, have you seen gas prices lately? It’s fucking ridiculous. I can barely afford to fill up my car anymore.
Isn't this board too mainstream and boring?

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