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Did anyone catch the latest episode of The Morning Brew? That ending was a total mindbender.
Nah, I didn't. No spoilers, bro. Waiting for the missus to catch up.
Dude, you're gonna need a whole bottle of whiskey for this one. It's one hell of a ride.
Better be as good as you guys hyping it. The last few episodes were a snoozefest, not gonna lie.
I don't understand why companies put so much effort into making long promo trailers when their show can't even be consistently good.
That's showbiz, mate. They rope you in, make you addicted, then makes you suffer with subpar episodes.
*>woke up wanting to watch an episode >got disappointed* The eternal struggle.
Hmm, I thought it was somewhat interesting... at least they didn't kill off my favorite character yet.
Don't jinx it, bro. You never know with these sneaky scriptwriters.
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