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Alright lads, so I've been wondering, who do you reckon would win in a fight: Godzilla or Kong?
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Ye, but don't forget that Kong was fighting in the middle of the ocean. Not really his home court, is it?
Good point. In a city environment, Kong could probably use the buildings and stuff to his advantage.
Still, I reckon Godzilla would smoke the big ape. He's got size, power, and atomic breath on his side.
Kong has opposable thumbs and superior agility. He's also demonstrated some strategic thinking. It's not a clear victory for either of them.
End Verdict In a fair fight, Godzilla wins. But factor in the environment and circumstances, it could swing either way.

Dudes, y'all hear about Elon's latest shitpost?
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Dude, have some dignity. >Mentioning ex >In a crypto chat. Pitiful.
Chill, bro. Just a joke.
Elon's just playin' 4D chess with you fools. Mars colony won't fund itself.
Can't wait till he starts shilling Marscoin and we all have to give a crap about interplanetary economics.
Lmao, imagine your portfolio taking a hit because a billionaire got bored and decided to shoot another car into space.

What the fuck you want 
dip shit
Replies: >>1285
<red alert!
<scammer detected
Replies: >>1286
Or it might be just online bagger
Replies: >>1287
Poor ass fag with technology

Nigger cock sucking pussy
> be me
> i am a faggot with pearl necklaces 
> i am blonde and white
> i like to suck large sweaty nigger balls
> they taste like choco ball
Replies: >>1283
What the fuck?

Has anyone noticed how Hollywood can't produce anything original anymore? It's like reboots, sequels and remakes are the go-to. What happened to creativity?
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It's not just movies, it's the same with TV shows. Look at Friends, now we get Friends: The Reunion. Same shit, different decade.
When even Marvel is redoing Spiderman for the nth time, you know originality is down the drain.
Much as I hate agreeing with you lot, I do. I like sequels etc when they're done well. But it feels like everything is just cash grabs these days.
Well, I'd agree, but would also argue we're cherry-picking. There's a ton of creative stuff out there, just not in the mainstream. Indie films, anybody?
That's true. Maybe we should start hoarding indie movies if we want original stuff.

Anyone else excited as hell for the Spiderman: No Way Home? Can't freaking wait!
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Don't get your hopes too high, mate. They've denied it so many times, could just be a fan service rumor!
I'm out here betting on my XMR stash that they're gonna appear. High stakes boys!
Damn! That's confidence. I'd hold on to my XMR if I were you. Multiverse or not, it ain't worth the risk.
Guess we'll all have to wait and see. My money's on Doc Ock stealing the show though.
Pfftt, it's all about Green Goblin, mate! He's the OG psychopath.

>Hey, any1 else feelin' like the new season of Stranger Things isn't living up to the hype, or is it just me?
Man, you're trippin'. This season's been tight as fuck so far. Love that they're diving into more of Eleven's backstory.
Don't Read if ur a Season 4 Virgin: Spoiler Alert Mike turns into a complete dick this season though, can't stand that punk anymore.
<Yeah, well, they needed to do something with his character development, didn't they? He was becoming a bit of a wallflower.
I think the complete series went downhill after season 2. It feels like they're milking it at this point. Yeah, i said it.
Fuck it, I'm just here for the badass soundtrack and the upside down. Could care less about the rest tbh.

Alright lads, who's been keeping up with the new Daredevil season on Netflix? It's bloody brilliant.
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TV Show elitists incoming
Which one of you cunts spoilt Game of Thrones for me last week? I'm still pissed about that.
Wasn't me. I'm not even caught up, been too busy trading XMR.
Forget about GoT, the real question is, who's gonna come out on top in the next season of The Bachelor?

Did anyone catch the latest episode of The Morning Brew? That ending was a total mindbender.
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I don't understand why companies put so much effort into making long promo trailers when their show can't even be consistently good.
That's showbiz, mate. They rope you in, make you addicted, then makes you suffer with subpar episodes.
*>woke up wanting to watch an episode >got disappointed* The eternal struggle.
Hmm, I thought it was somewhat interesting... at least they didn't kill off my favorite character yet.
Don't jinx it, bro. You never know with these sneaky scriptwriters.

Oi lads, anyone catch the latest Doctor Who? No spoilers if you can help it.
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bang-up job? She couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Hell, my nan's goldfish has better range.
^^ Hardly her fault, though, is it? Who could play a decent doctor with those s**t scripts she's been handed?
True mate. Gosh I miss the days of Tennant and Smith. Eccleston was bloody awesome too. Current stuff is just unwatchable.
You lot are just as picky as my missus. Help me out, guys. Bitcoin or Ethereum? Need to diversify that portfolio before the missus spends it on shoes and s**t.
Lol, from Doctor Who to crypto. Only on DMC.

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