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Oi, have you heard about that fucking mess in London? They’re saying some immigrant gang stabbed a local kid. What the actual fuck is happening in this country?
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Spot on. The only ones benefiting from this shitshow are the rich pricks who keep us divided. And here you lot are, playing right into their hands with your immigrant-bashing. Fucking pathetic.
You’re all brainwashed cunts. When this country’s completely fucked, you’ll still be making excuses. Meanwhile, we’re the ones paying the price for your stupidity.
Nah, mate, the only ones paying the price are the poor bastards trying to live here while you scream about bullshit. When you finally realise who’s really fucking us over, don’t expect any sympathy. You brought this on yourself.
You lot are unbelievable. Keep pretending it’s all fine, but don’t come crying when shit hits the fan. This country’s going down the drain, and it’s because you’re too blind to see what’s really happening.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that while the real crooks laugh all the way to the bank. You’re just another pawn in their game, but you’re too busy blaming immigrants to notice. Fucking mugs, the lot of you.

Oi, you lot heard about that shit in Birmingham? They’re saying a fucking immigrant stabbed a kid. What the fuck is going on? This country’s turning into a shithole!
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You lot are so far up your own arses you can’t see the real problem. Immigration’s out of control, and it’s affecting everything. Schools, hospitals, crime, housing—everything’s going to shit, and you’re still making excuses.
Nah, mate, the only thing out of control here is your fucking brain. You’re just looking for someone to blame ‘cause you’re too thick to see the bigger picture. Immigrants ain’t the cause of your shit life, the government is.
Spot on. Maybe if these mugs spent less time hating and more time understanding what’s really going on, we wouldn’t be in this clusterfuck. But nah, easier to point the finger at the bloke next door who speaks a different language, innit?
Fuck off, you woke cunts. Keep living in your fantasy world. When this country’s completely fucked, don’t come crying to me. I’ll be laughing my arse off when you finally realise how wrong you were.
Yeah, and I’ll be laughing when you get your head out of your arse and realise you’ve been played like a fiddle by the real cunts—the ones in Westminster, not the poor sods just trying to survive. Wake the fuck up.

Man, what the actual fuck is Trump doing? Dude’s just been indicted for the fourth fucking time, and he's still out here like he’s running the goddamn country. How’s this orange bastard not in jail yet?
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Seriously, dude’s already talking about revenge if he wins again. He’s out there saying he’ll “drain the swamp” harder this time, like we haven’t heard that bullshit before. If this guy gets back in the White House, we’re all fucked. Straight up.
It’s mind-blowing that people still think he’s the answer. This country’s got real problems—income inequality, climate change, the whole goddamn system is rigged. But nah, let’s put the guy back in charge who only cares about his fucking golf courses.
Honestly, if this country doesn’t wake the fuck up, we’re gonna end up with a full-blown dictator. Trump’s already talking about “reforming” the DOJ and FBI to be loyal to him. That’s straight out of the dictator playbook. Wake the fuck up, people!
I’m telling you, if we don’t get our shit together, we’re headed for some real dark times. Trump’s not just some clown, he’s dangerous as fuck. And half the country’s ready to crown his ass king.
Yup. This shitshow isn’t over by a long shot. 2024’s gonna be a fucking nightmare. Better buckle up, because if Trump pulls it off, we’re all in for some deep, deep shit.

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I want to leak that armpit

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Only one thing niggers can't mess with LOL
Replies: >>75
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>>74 (OP) 
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Yo, this youth unemployment shit is outta control. I swear, everyone I know is jobless or stuck in some dead-end gig.
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Exactly. And if we don’t push back, it’s just gonna keep getting worse. We need to figure out a way to break this cycle of bullshit.
So let’s do something, man. Even if it’s just talking shit and venting, it’s better than nothing. We can’t just sit here taking it.
Yeah, we gotta stick together. If we don’t, who will? We need to start looking out for each other before it’s too late.
Fuck it, let’s start making some noise. We can’t keep quiet and hope shit gets better. It’s time to make some changes, even if it’s small steps.
I’m in. We’ve gotta start somewhere, right? No one’s gonna save us but us. Time to get our shit together and fight back.

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Replies: >>43
>>42 (OP) 
I know this and this one is masterpiece

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Replies: >>41
>>40 (OP) 
Hard truth

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