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Yo, anyone else think this whole UFO craze is total BS? With all these vids popping up, it’s hard not to think something's fishy.
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Ready? We can’t even deal with our own mess here. If aliens show up, it’s gonna be chaos.
Just think if they show up and they’re chill. We’ll probably end up fucking things up anyway, just like we do with everything.
Yeah, or what if they see us as ants? They might just come to wipe us out like we’re pests.
If they wanted to wipe us out, they would’ve done it already. I think they’re just watching us, like some cosmic zoo exhibit.
Damn, thinking about it like that is messed up. Maybe we’re just part of their experiment. Makes sense with all the weird shit happening lately.

Yo, did you see that bullshit with student loan repayments starting again? We’re all getting screwed, man.
Yeah, what the fuck. They cancel a few thousand dollars, and then they expect us to be grateful? Meanwhile, billionaires get tax breaks.
It’s a fucking joke. They bail out banks and corporations, but regular folks like us? Nah, pay up or else. The American Dream is a goddamn lie.
Exactly. They dangle that “education is the key” crap in front of us, then turn around and bury us in debt for life. It’s all rigged.
And the politicians don’t give a shit. They just want to keep their donors happy. We’re all just collateral damage in their game.
This country’s broken, man. We’re paying for their greed, and they don’t care if we drown. It’s beyond fucked up.

Did you guys see the shitshow with the new Google Pixel 8? Christ, it’s like they rushed it out the door with zero quality control.
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For real, they claim to be “fixing bugs,” but it’s like they’re just adding more. And the worst part? Their customer service is a goddamn joke. They’ll just tell you to factory reset like that’s gonna solve anything. Fucking clowns.
Exactly! And you know they’re not gonna do shit to fix it. Meanwhile, we’re all stuck with these $700 paperweights. I’m seriously considering going back to iPhone, even if it means dealing with Apple’s nonsense.
Honestly, I’m done with Google. This Pixel 8 is a disaster. I should’ve known better after the Pixel 6 debacle, but I gave them another chance. Never again. They can take their shitty phones and shove them.
Right? It’s like they don’t even care anymore. They’ve just given up on making decent hardware. I’m not giving them another cent. Let’s see how they survive when everyone starts ditching them for Samsung or Apple.
At this point, I think we’re all better off with anything else. Fuck Google, fuck the Pixel 8, and fuck their bullshit marketing. They’ve lost the plot entirely.

Dude, has anyone else noticed how everything is subscription-based now? I swear, I’m paying for like ten different things a month just to exist.
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Seriously though, it’s getting out of hand. Even my frickin' coffee machine wants a monthly plan for “premium features.” Like, what the actual fuck?
Right?! It’s like, can I just own something outright anymore? I miss the days when you could just buy something and be done with it.
Capitalism, my dude. They’ve figured out that bleeding us dry slowly is more profitable than just selling us stuff. It’s like death by a thousand tiny charges.
And don’t even get me started on streaming services. They’re all pulling their content to make their own platforms. We’re back to paying more than cable for half the content. Bullshit.
For real. I’m this close to going full pirate mode again. F*ck paying for six different platforms just to watch one show.

Yo, what the fuck is even the point of anything? We’re all just shuffling around like idiots, waiting to get flushed down the cosmic toilet.
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The worst part? The assholes in charge are laughing their asses off, watching us scramble like headless chickens. We’re all just their entertainment.
Yep, we’re living in some twisted reality show, and the joke’s on us. The universe is just one big dumpster fire, and we’re burning alive in it.
Fuck it, man. If everything’s going to hell anyway, might as well go out flipping the bird to the whole damn thing. Nothing matters, so who gives a shit?
Preach, brother. This whole world can go fuck itself. I’m done playing nice. Time to burn it all down and watch the ashes fall.
Hell yeah. If life’s gonna fuck us over, might as well fuck it back twice as hard. Burn the bridges, torch the bullshit, and walk away laughing.

Goddammit, this vending machine ate my dollar and didn’t even give me a Snickers. I’m about to lose my shit!
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The best part? It’s been “out of order” for weeks. I think it’s actually a vending machine for swindling people. Classic!
Oh, I’ve been there. Last time, it gave me a pack of gum instead of the sandwich I paid for. I swear, it’s run by gremlins or some shit.
If I see that vending machine again, I’m gonna write a complaint in Sharpie and tape it to the front: “Congrats on your new job as a money thief.”
Totally! At this point, it’s just a glorified money pit. I’m just waiting for it to start charging admission for the privilege of being scammed.
Fuck it, I’m done with these machines. Next time, I’ll just bring a crowbar and get my money’s worth!

Fucking hell, the rent just went up AGAIN. How the fuck are we supposed to live? Every month it’s like they’re squeezing us for every last cent. I’m fucking done with this shit!
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It’s all a goddamn scam. They’re driving us into the ground, and for what? So some rich dickhead can buy another yacht? I’m so fucking pissed. We’re being played like idiots.
They’re all in on it too—banks, real estate assholes, politicians. They don’t give a shit about us. We’re just cash cows to them. I’m fucking terrified of what’s coming next. How much more can people take?
Exactly! We’re all one rent hike away from being homeless, and nobody’s fucking talking about it. It’s like we’re just supposed to accept that this is how it is now. Fuck that, I’m angry as hell!
I’m sick of working my ass off just to pay for a shitty apartment that costs more every year. And for what? To barely scrape by while these pricks get richer? I want to punch a wall, man. This is bullshit.
Honestly, I don’t even know what to do anymore. The fear of losing my home is real. We’re all stuck in this nightmare, and it feels like it’s only getting worse. This isn’t living; it’s barely surviving.

Holy shit, the planet’s on fucking fire and these assholes are still debating whether climate change is real. Are we just gonna burn alive while they sit around with their thumbs up their asses?
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Exactly! Meanwhile, the government’s just giving lip service. “We’re committed to fighting climate change.” Yeah, by approving new oil projects? Fucking hypocrites. We need real action, not bullshit speeches.
This shit makes me so mad. We’re all fucked because these rich assholes can’t stop sucking the Earth dry for every last dollar. And people wonder why younger generations are pissed. We’re inheriting a literal dumpster fire!
I swear, if I hear one more politician say, “Thoughts and prayers” after another disaster, I’m gonna lose it. Get off your ass and do something about it, or shut the fuck up!
Thoughts and prayers don’t fix the fucking ozone layer! These clowns are playing us all. While they hoard cash, we’re the ones who’ll be wading through floods and suffocating in the heat. Fuck them all.
It’s gonna take a goddamn revolution to get these people to listen. They only care about money, not the planet. By the time they figure it out, it’ll be too fucking late.

Man, Elon Musk is fucking up Twitter/X like a bull in a china shop. This shit is beyond insane. Every time I log in, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. What the actual fuck is he thinking?
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I just love how all the old-school Twitter users are freaking out while Musk is over here, probably getting off on the chaos. Like, bro, we’re all watching this disaster unfold and it’s the best reality TV ever.
Exactly. It’s like the guy bought the Titanic and then decided to steer it into an iceberg for kicks. And we’re all sitting here, popcorn in hand, watching the goddamn spectacle.
If this keeps up, I wouldn’t be surprised if he announces he’s turning Twitter into a space for his Mars colonization plan or some other wild shit. I mean, at this point, nothing would surprise me.
Fuck it, let’s just ride this dumpster fire to the end. If Twitter/X ends up as a meme museum of failed social media experiments, at least we’ll have some epic stories to tell.
Amen to that. It’s either laugh or cry at this point. And personally, I prefer to laugh my ass off while watching Musk’s Twitter trainwreck unfold.

Yo, did you see the latest shit about Biden's student loan forgiveness plan? What a goddamn joke. They’ve been dragging their feet on this forever and now it’s all fucked up.
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And don’t even get me started on the application process. It’s a goddamn nightmare. They’ve got so many forms and requirements it’s like they’re trying to make it impossible to get any relief.
Totally. It’s all designed to make sure only a fraction of people actually benefit. The rest of us are left hanging while the government pats itself on the back for “doing something.”
I’m so fucking done with this shit. The system is rigged against us, and every time we get a glimmer of hope, it’s just more bullshit. We need real change, not more of this half-assed crap.
Agreed. If they don’t get their act together soon, people are going to lose their shit. We’ve had enough of being fucked over and treated like second-class citizens. This needs to end now.
Yeah, and we need to keep pushing. If we just sit back and take it, nothing will change. We’ve got to raise hell and make sure they hear us loud and clear. Enough is enough!

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