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Goddammit, this vending machine ate my dollar and didn’t even give me a Snickers. I’m about to lose my shit!
Same here! I put in two bucks for a bag of chips, and all I got was a loud “clunk” and a message saying “Out of Order.” Fucking brilliant.
The best part? It’s been “out of order” for weeks. I think it’s actually a vending machine for swindling people. Classic!
Oh, I’ve been there. Last time, it gave me a pack of gum instead of the sandwich I paid for. I swear, it’s run by gremlins or some shit.
If I see that vending machine again, I’m gonna write a complaint in Sharpie and tape it to the front: “Congrats on your new job as a money thief.”
Totally! At this point, it’s just a glorified money pit. I’m just waiting for it to start charging admission for the privilege of being scammed.
Fuck it, I’m done with these machines. Next time, I’ll just bring a crowbar and get my money’s worth!
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