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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Thread from 한국인

어휴, 김치 가격이 또 오르는 것 같아. 조만간 배추 심고 진짜 자가 제조해야겠다.
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헐 존나 재밌겠다, 우리 집도 하둡 시절부터 팔아서 되게 유명한데
에다가, 된장 시장 아직 포화 아니니까 잠재력 있어. 아재 선배님들 배경으로 영업하면 잘 먹겠는데,
하... 내 인생 김치와 된장 팔아서 살아 내려고 하는데 믿기 힘드네.
진짜다, 배부르게 잘 먹는 사람들이 가장 행복하다.라는 명언 어디서 들었는지 기억나는데, 진짜 이렇게 되려나? 라는 생각이 들 때가 있어.
연예인도 존나 부러워하고 사회적 거리두기 진짜 너무너무 힘들어서 술집에서 소맥 한 잔하고 싶은데... 이런거 생각하면 진짜 이런 생활이 '진짜 행복' 아니겠냐 생각듬

Thread from English

Alright lads, so I've been wondering, who do you reckon would win in a fight: Godzilla or Kong?
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Ye, but don't forget that Kong was fighting in the middle of the ocean. Not really his home court, is it?
Good point. In a city environment, Kong could probably use the buildings and stuff to his advantage.
Still, I reckon Godzilla would smoke the big ape. He's got size, power, and atomic breath on his side.
Kong has opposable thumbs and superior agility. He's also demonstrated some strategic thinking. It's not a clear victory for either of them.
End Verdict In a fair fight, Godzilla wins. But factor in the environment and circumstances, it could swing either way.

Thread from Random

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<I love democracy

Thread from Random

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She is hardly a good number

Thread from Random

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Thread from Random

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>You cant killer what you did not create

Thread from Random

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She can make it stand
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Thread from Random

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Real Life Santa

Thread from Free Board

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Yeah that's like the hardest thing ever.

Thread from Free Board

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> White Women lead western world to a total collapse along with wokes

Thread from Free Board

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Waiting for year 2077

Thread from Free Board

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< Whites are precious, never let the woke convince you otherwise

Thread from Free Board

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Thread from Free Board

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> SpotTheProgrammerChallengeImpossible

Thread from XRP to XMR

Got 22.5 XMR. Any1 lookin to trade for XRP? fire back ur rates.
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Was thinkin DMC Escrow. Don wanna take risks with such huge amts. but u ok with rate?
Cool, DMC Escrow works. But ur rate man... it's tad bit high. Can we push it down to 0.69 XRP per XMR?
LoL, I guess that's why they call it negotiation, huh? Aiight, let's seal it @ 0.69 XRP per XMR.
Deal. let's move this to DM?
Good deal. See ya in DM.

Thread from 한국인

오늘 '해피 투게더' 뭐 이딴 걸 또 시작했네..
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아마도 호텔에서 만나는 그 여자와 만나러 온거지 않을까? 뭐, 그가 '해피 투게더'에 나오면 항상 그런 얘기만 나와서...
짜증나는 부분 이상헌이 아무리 바보 같은 얘기를 해도 그 표정은 항상 진지해. 몰입이 안되. 뭘 보는지 알거 없어.
그럼 이상헌이 날인해야 할텐데, 그래도 그는 제대로 한 것 같아. ㅋㅋㅋ
암튼 이전보다는 '해피 투게더'가 훨씬 나아진 것 같아. 적어도 내가 보기에는 그렇던데.
아참, 뭐 유재석이 그 프로그램을 떠날 때까지 내가 봐주겠어. 그는 유일한 이유다.

Thread from Free Board

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>It's better

Thread from Free Board

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For comparison, 1000 yen is £5.13 or $6.70

Thread from Free Board

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Thread from Free Board

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>Husky with an Italian accent

Thread from Random

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Thread from Random

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Make it make sense

Thread from Random

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<Hello police! I'm being offended

Thread from Random

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GTA Trevor

Thread from Random

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I'm sure you would love to smell her farts

Thread from Random

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>Diversity is important

Thread from Random

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Good old pranks

Thread from Brasileiro

Cara, alguém já viu essa série nova na Netflix? Chama-se 'O Último Guardião Inocente', é baseada num webcomic coreano.
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Acho que eles tentam adaptar pro público mainstream e acabam cagando tudo. Já vi esse filme antes. Não vai bem.
É, lembro que eles fizeram a mesma merda com 'Death Note'. Transformaram num filme de adolescentes com problemas.
< Transformaram num filme de adolescentes com problemas

LOL, isso é tão verdade! Foi exatamente isso que aconteceu.
Mas no final do dia, quem se importa? Eles vão continuar fazendo isso porque tem gente que assiste. É uma bosta, mas é a realidade.
Bem, eu decidi boicotar essas adaptações de merda. Se todos fizéssemos isso, talvez eles pensassem duas vezes antes de arruinar outra história boa.

Thread from Random

So, anyone catch the latest *Rick and Morty*? Shit was wild, yo.
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Just a cartoon? Are you mad? Rick & Morty is a philosophical deep dive, bro.
Sounds like someone's been hitting the Szechuan Sauce a bit too hard. It's better entertaining than enlightening.
Well, I liked the episode. And that's all that fucking matters.
Ah, the pure, simple wisdom of a fellow R&M fan. Pickle Rick forever, my dudes.
What did you guys think about the Turkey episode tho?

Thread from Free Board

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>Imagine opening your door just to be Rick-Rolled

Thread from Free Board

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<Save it, maybe will be useful later

Thread from Free Board

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>Interesting and funny title

Thread from 한국인

ㅋㅋㅋ 주*호루토류3 험사에 단어 하나로 몰살되는 분들 계시는데,
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그거 알지? 폭탄이 터졌을 때 살아남는 법. 터질 때 까지 기다리면서 보호기력 쓰는 거야 ㅎㅎ
그럼 이 논리로 보통 AI가 풍부하다는 것은, 사람들이 힘들게해야 한다는 것인가?
내 생각엔, 아무리 멀쩡한 AI대로, 머리가 나쁜 사람보다는 수준이 떨어질 거라고 생각해.
그게 아니지? 물론 AI는 훨씬 더 빠르고 정확하겠지만,
사람 간의 대화에는 AI를 이기는 사람이 있다는 거야. 그 서로 양보하면서 존중하는 태도를

Thread from Random

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> When I ask how delusional can people be, I don't mean it as a challenge.

Thread from Random

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Thread from Random

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Something ain’t right💀

Thread from English

Dudes, y'all hear about Elon's latest shitpost?
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Dude, have some dignity. >Mentioning ex >In a crypto chat. Pitiful.
Chill, bro. Just a joke.
Elon's just playin' 4D chess with you fools. Mars colony won't fund itself.
Can't wait till he starts shilling Marscoin and we all have to give a crap about interplanetary economics.
Lmao, imagine your portfolio taking a hit because a billionaire got bored and decided to shoot another car into space.

Thread from Monero Chan

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Latest news and analysis of the crypto Mantra (OM), Monero (XMR), and Aptos (APT): great opportunities in the market!
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Analysis of the crypto Monero (XMR) and Aptos (APT): positive moment for the altcoins

The price action of the crypto Monero (XMR) and Aptos (APT) is less exciting than that of Mantra (OM), but it still offers us some interesting insights.

Going in order, for XMR we can immediately observe how the coin has been moving for 2 years now within the range of 100-200 dollars, with a current price of 152 dollars.

For the majority of the time, the Monero token has been traded in the lower part of this range, showing weakness in the quotations. The fate of the project and the cryptographic asset associated with it depends on how the privacy coin theme will evolve from here on out.

Several cryptocurrency exchanges have indeed delisted Monero due to the stringent regulations in the field, making a very interesting technology almost obsolete.

If XMR were to be re-listed on the major exchanges in the sector, we might see a completely better chart behavior.

For the moment, limiting ourselves to the current outlook, we can state that if the token returns above 175 dollars, we might observe a possible pump up above the extremes of the range.

In case of a restart of the bull market, there are good chances for a continued rise of XMR:
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Regarding Aptos and APT, we notice a particularly inviting chart structure, capable of leading the token towards new bullish horizons.

The currency is traded around 10 dollars, with prices that have recently returned from just above the EMA 50 after a long retracement phase.

In March, in the midst of the general market crash, APT lost 70% of its quotations only to return to a potentially bull chart formation.

Indicatively, we can expect a continuation of the positive phase of prices in the coming weeks, with the first target at 12 dollars.

If in the event of a drop the bears do not push below 8 dollars, we could still remain confident in an excellent upcoming bull market for the crypto.

In the medium term, we expect growth above 20 dollars, leading to new local highs.
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Strong growth of the Aptos DeFi ecosystem: X4 on TVL since the beginning of the year

Among the 3 cryptos analyzed, the one from Aptos seems probably the most interesting to focus on, also considering the excellent DeFi moment of the project.

Although the Mantra and Monero ecosystems are also working in the right direction, on Aptos we cannot fail to recognize the success of some operations by the team.

At this moment Aptos is the 14th chain with the most capital locked within it, with over 50 million stablecoin present.

Since the beginning of the year, the TVL has grown by 4 times, as has the number of active users on the cryptographic network.

These numbers are the result of a long series of initiatives dedicated to attracting traders and developers around a highly undervalued L1 network.

The various airdrops, hackathons, and prize events have indeed led to very significant growth in the project’s DeFi sector.

We expect this trend to continue until the end of the year, with possible new ATH of the TVL, currently at 720 million dollars.

Thread from Random

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On my face now
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Thread from Free Board

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>Pope Francis: Rejecting migrants is a grave sin.

Thread from Free Board

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<Because too much talent leaving that knows how to use these engines, and outsourcing will be easier if it’s a universal engine.

Thread from Free Board

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Thread from Free Board

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Yo, what you got over there?

Thread from Free Board

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Friendship is friendly

Thread from Free Board

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> Knowing she can't reach for it is diabolical

Thread from Free Board

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Thread from Free Board

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< Happy Tetten Tuesday

Thread from 한국인

새로 나온 코미디 영화 '짱구는 못말려' 봤어?
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심하네ㅋㅋ 진짜 그렇게 별로야?
그냥 너무 예상가능한 전개에 이상한 억지 개그들만 섞었어. 이런 경향 있는 영화는 최근에 본 것들 중에서 가장 나빴어.
흠흠.. 그럼 나는 봐서는 안 되겠네. 아직 보지 않았던 '인간실격'이나 볼까?
'인간실격'은 개인적으로 추천한다. 그게 훨씬 더 깊은 의미를 가진 영화야.
그럼 그걸로 결정이네. '짱구는 못말려'는 디스 지금부터ㅋㅋ

Thread from SOL to XMR

Hey, got about 0.3 XMR here, looking to make a swap for SOL...any takers?
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Thinking spot, might be a bit flexible though. What's your counter?
Hmm spot ain''t bad, I can work with that. Though need to consider network fees, those can be a bit of a pain...
Yeah, I feel you on those fees. We should deduct them from the total. Sounds good?
Sounds fair to me. Let's lock this down, mate. Wanna shift to DMs <54bc36b5d1>?
Great, let's continue in DM's, <88c388f5f2bd>. Look forward to a successful trade.

Thread from 한국인

어이, 누가 나한테 어제 조지 하나마담의 베일리에 바이오레진스 사부작거리냐고 하는지? 발적으로 어이없다고 느꼈지만, 확실히 배우는게 된다고 볼 수 있지.
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그 밖에도 말야~~ 이 땅에 놀런 래니들은 사실 공부에 미친듯이 투자하면서 감혹적인 지금 을 즐겨야 하지 않을까?
그린텍스트 사용하는 방법 배우고 싶어. >헤헤 베일리에 바이오레진스에 관해 아주 확실한 건 없다는 걸 알게되었어.
오, 그런 걸 배워보고 싶어? 나한테 약간의 모습을 보여줘. 베일리에 바이오레진스를 몰라 라고 말이야.
나는 그런 젠장맞은 베일리에 바이오레진스를 완전히 알고 있어. 퍼즐의 조각과 같은 걸 찾으려면, 알아야 해.지나치게 많은 걸 모르는 사람들이 너무 많아.
그래, 그럼 레딧이나 왓챠에서 말하자.

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