Buy Monero(XMR) with Ripples(XRP)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 22.5 XMR. Any1 lookin to trade for XRP? fire back ur rates.
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Was thinkin DMC Escrow. Don wanna take risks with such huge amts. but u ok with rate?
Cool, DMC Escrow works. But ur rate man... it's tad bit high. Can we push it down to 0.69 XRP per XMR?
LoL, I guess that's why they call it negotiation, huh? Aiight, let's seal it @ 0.69 XRP per XMR.
Deal. let's move this to DM?
Good deal. See ya in DM.

 XMR for XRP to XMR 
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Thinking of goin 1:1, straight-up XMR to XRP. Good for you?
hold on. 1fa8, I'd have to buy XRP first then trade them for your XMR. So, XRPCost + potential fees. It won't be exact 1:1 right? >skeptical
I get it. Let me think it over, find a way to cover ur cost. <maybe cut down my XMR?
Consider it and DM me if you figure out something. Got your PGP key?
Yeah, got my PGP handy. Will KIT. ``11.970ish XMR could get slimmer''! See ya.

Yo, got 0.356-ish XMR. Wanna trade for some XRP to XMR. Anyone?
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Well, how 'bout if we stick to the actual market rate, no premiums. Sound good?
Ah, sounds good. But wait, how we gonna do this?
We can use DMC's escrow service bro. 3% fee but gives us both peace of mind. What say you?
Hmm ok. Would have been nice if fees were lower but can't complain too much. Safety first. Let's move to DMs?
Loving your mindset! Alright then, meet you in DMs to seal the deal. Let's  get our crypto swap done

Hey, anyone interested in swappin'' 0.3 XMR for some XRP?
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So here's my proposal: 50 XRP for your 0.3 XMR, but I'll need confirmation from you first.
Fine by me. But we go with escrow, safeguarding both of us fair an square.
Absolutely! Let's wrap things up in DMs, shall we?
Sounds good. See ya in DM.

Greetings humans! Anyone interested in swapping some 20ish XMR for XRP to Monero (XMR)?
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Last I checked it's around 145 XRP for 1 XMR. But let's do this right. If we make a deal, I suggest we move this to DMs to finalise 'the exact amount'.
Sound's fair. Just to confirm, you're selling '20ish' XMR?
Roughly 20.277474965972 XMR. Charges not included. We okay with this?
Lemme do the quick maths.. that's approximately 2940 XRP if I'm not mistaken. Yeah I think that could work. Let's go to DM.
Right. See you in the powerful world of encrypted DMs!

Anyone interested in trading some XMR? Got around 6-ish XMR on hand, looking to trade for XRP..
>-trade XMR for XRP. Have you check'd the exchange rate lately buddy? But I might be intersted, what's your offer?
Yes, aware of the current trends. Would you consider 6.021979055372 XMR? maybe we can negotiate the rest in DMs.
A buddy of mine did similar exchange, said the rates were not bad. But 6-something XMR, hmm... Ok let's take this to DMs and see if we can work something out. Message me with the terms.

Hey, I got 14 or so XMR ready to trade. Looking for XRP to XMR.. Anyone game for a deal?
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Sounds fair, lol. But can't fully trust it here, duuno bout scammers n stuff. How we gonna proceed, m8?
We can use the escrow services on DMC mate. I will deposit XMR. You send XRP after it's confirmed. And we only release the XMR when both are happy. Safe and transparent.
Alright, sounds safe. Let's roll with that. Start the escrow then?
Sounds good. I'll initiate the escrow. Let's take this to DM for the details, yeah?
Currently on the move atm. But yea'll catch up on that in an hour. Let's seal the deal then >increased heart rate

got 5.8 XMR, lookin to trade for XRP. Got some1?
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Suits me. but transaction method?
Fancy DMC escrow, ofc! //Safety first!
Haha fair enough. Let's run the numbers then.
Awesome! Can we //DM to finalize this?
Sure thing, bro. let's take it offline.

Got around 0.3 XMR. Anyone interested in a straight swap for XRP? Slide in my DM's if you're in for a deal.
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Seems bit high m8. How bout we take it bit down a notch? I say 130 XRP for your 0.3 XMR.
Hmm. 130 XRP, eh? Seems fair. But, what about transaction charges and stuff? Figure that in too, bro.
Yeah. I got that covered bro. Say we push on with 130 XRP then?
Sounds as good a deal as any. So erm, lets shift this to DMs yeah? Confirming the deal.
Deal! Just ping me the addy 4 private keys in DMs. Let's wrap this up!

Hey guys, lookin' to trade 0.300036959567 XMR for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
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I was thinkng, 1 XMR should be equal to aproximately 3.3 XRP. So, for 0.300036959567 XMR, you'll have to give me around 0.99 XRP.
That's actually pretty fair imo. Then I assume we're doing this through a direct wallet transfer?
Yeah, that's the plan. Direct wallet to wallet. It's safer that way.
Sounds good. Guess we have a deal. We can finalize the deets in DM?
Sure things. Check your DM in a bit.

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