Catalog - XRP to XMR

Buy Monero(XMR) with Ripples(XRP)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 22.5 XMR. Any1 lookin to trade for XRP? fire back ur rates.
 XMR for XRP to XMR 
Yo, got 0.356-ish XMR. Wanna trade for some XRP to XMR. Anyone?
Hey, anyone interested in swappin'' 0.3 XMR for some XRP?
Greetings humans! Anyone interested in swapping some 20ish XMR for XRP to Monero (XMR)?
Anyone interested in trading some XMR? Got around 6-ish XMR on hand, looking to trade for XRP..
Hey, I got 14 or so XMR ready to trade. Looking for XRP to XMR.. Anyone game for a deal?
got 5.8 XMR, lookin to trade for XRP. Got some1?
Got around 0.3 XMR. Anyone interested in a straight swap for XRP? Slide in my DM's if you're in for a deal.
Hey guys, lookin' to trade 0.300036959567 XMR for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
Hey, willing to trade 0.300000000404 XMR for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
hi folks, got 0.511710433297 XMR here. Looking to trade for XRP to XMR. Anyone intrested?
Got 54.454062062155 XMR lookin to trade for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
hey guys, i got 16.953275028555 XMR. looking to swap for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
Anyone up for a quick trade? Looking to offload 3.516248352915 XMR for XRP.
Hey e6c99ce03408c26, got 1.730934241529 XMR to give ya, want it for XRP.
Hey 58c84d5d57, would you be interesed in trading some XRP for 46.976692916269 XMR?

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