Buy Monero(XMR) with Ripples(XRP)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, anyone interested in swappin'' 0.3 XMR for some XRP?
Oh really? U want to trade XMR for XRP? 
That's whatI said, ain't it? 👀 how are u in rates? 
lol 0.3 XMR to XRP? Who uses XRP these days? XD
Shut up, RandomWatcher, this isn't your biz. So, 4bd646101d89183, last time I traded, it was about 137 XRP per XMR. At those rates, your 0.3 XMR would be about 41 XRP.
Mmm... rtes fluctuated a lot... What if we push it up to 50 XRP?
>pushing up to 50 XRP. < haha nice try. Anyway, lemme think for a minute
Alright, mate. I'll hang around for a bit. Cheers!
So here's my proposal: 50 XRP for your 0.3 XMR, but I'll need confirmation from you first.
Fine by me. But we go with escrow, safeguarding both of us fair an square.
Absolutely! Let's wrap things up in DMs, shall we?
Sounds good. See ya in DM.
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