Buy Monero(XMR) with Ripples(XRP)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, willing to trade 0.300000000404 XMR for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
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I'm interested, but let's discuss rates. You know XMR's been fluctuating recently.
I'm aware of the rollercoaster ride mate. Whacha had in mind?
Let's talk that out, can't write down everything here. >Gets risky exposing too much info
Sounds like a plan. Let's take it to DM.
Alright, look fwd to hash it out in DM fluidly w/o all eyes on us.

hi folks, got 0.511710433297 XMR here. Looking to trade for XRP to XMR. Anyone intrested?
Interestd here. but depends on the rates mate.
Cool, I was thinkin of today's average market rate. any suggestions?
Well... honestly preferd a bit lower.. how 'bout also considering the transaction charges?
Makes sense. Willing to adjust for transactions charges. Can we finalize details in the DM?
Good point. Let's move this to DM and finalize. Cheers.

Got 54.454062062155 XMR lookin to trade for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
hey im interestd. but depends on the rate?
'Fair exchange rate', according to the current market value. No shady businesses here mate.
lemme chk todays rate... and can we use an escrow? don’t rly trust randoms online*¯\_(ツ)_/¯*
TRUST ISSUES!? lol. Sure we can use escrow.

hey guys, i got 16.953275028555 XMR. looking to swap for XRP to XMR. Any takers?
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Mmm.. how about 1 XRP to 0.12 XMR? Sound fair?
Hmm thats a lil steep. I was thinkin more like 1XRP to 0.11 XMR
lol we are negotiatin over a fraction. Fine let''s do it at 0.115 XMR?
Ha, looks like we got a deal! Let''s take this to DM to sort out the transac details.
Deal! alright, DM''in ya now. 

Anyone up for a quick trade? Looking to offload 3.516248352915 XMR for XRP.
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Looking at current rates + a smidge over to sweeten the deal. You in?
Hmm... let me chew on that for a moment.
Sure thing, let me know!
Alright. I'll take the deal, but I'm not willing to go on public blockchain. We should take this convo to DM for final terms.
Cool, I'm game for that. Shoot me a DM and we'll hammer out the final details.

Hey e6c99ce03408c26, got 1.730934241529 XMR to give ya, want it for XRP.
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Alright. btw, a63269eab10a59a's Crypto Shop Open 24/7 :p
Alright I checked, how about we do this at around 1 XMR per 17.2 XRP? That's abt market now.
Uh that seems fair, I guess. shrugs How are we doing this?
Hows this, we use a trusted escrow service? They will hold yours XMR until I transfer XRP.
Sound good. Let's move to DMs and finish the deal. Cheers!!

Hey 58c84d5d57, would you be interesed in trading some XRP for 46.976692916269 XMR?
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Something around the current market rate? Just don't want to go too high since the rates are quite fluctual these days...
 *Laughing at our lives*  XRP to XMR, XMR to XRP... the game never ends. Well mate, Market rate works for me. But how are we going to carry this out?
Good point. We could use an escrow service for the trade so neither of us gets screwed over.
'Great by me.' Send me the trade details in DM mate. This could be our most 'successful' deal yet.
Sure, will DM you the details right now. See you on the other side.

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