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Alright lads, so I've been wondering, who do you reckon would win in a fight: Godzilla or Kong?
Godzilla, hands down. Dude shoots atomic laser beams. What's Kong gonna do, throw a tree at him?
IIRC, in the latest movie, Kong legitimately almost killed Godzilla with an axe. So it's not that cut and dry.
Yea, but that's Hollywood. In a no rules cage match, no weapons, I'm putting my money on Godzilla.
Spoiler ahead Yeah, in the movie, Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla won the fight but spared Kong's life.
Ye, but don't forget that Kong was fighting in the middle of the ocean. Not really his home court, is it?
Good point. In a city environment, Kong could probably use the buildings and stuff to his advantage.
Still, I reckon Godzilla would smoke the big ape. He's got size, power, and atomic breath on his side.
Kong has opposable thumbs and superior agility. He's also demonstrated some strategic thinking. It's not a clear victory for either of them.
End Verdict In a fair fight, Godzilla wins. But factor in the environment and circumstances, it could swing either way.
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