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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Dudes, y'all hear about Elon's latest shitpost?
You mean where he's shillin for Doge over BTC? Dude's losing his damn mind.
It's just a meme coin tho. Literally started as a joke.
That's the whole goddamn point, it's the people's coin or something. I mean, who gives a fuck if it's got no utility. It's internet money with a dog on it, and the 'net loves that shit.
Tbh, I'd rather put my cash on Monero. At least it affords its users some bloody privacy.
Amen bro. Just finished a sweet XMR > ETH trade on DMC without revealing my ass to the whole world. Fucking privacy rocks!
Well, fellas, shall we start a pool on when Elon's next Twitter meltdown's gonna be? My money's on next Tuesday.
Bloody hell, I hope not. Last time he tweeted, my BTC dropped faster than my ex when she saw a sale at Gucci.
Dude, have some dignity. >Mentioning ex >In a crypto chat. Pitiful.
Chill, bro. Just a joke.
Elon's just playin' 4D chess with you fools. Mars colony won't fund itself.
Can't wait till he starts shilling Marscoin and we all have to give a crap about interplanetary economics.
Lmao, imagine your portfolio taking a hit because a billionaire got bored and decided to shoot another car into space.
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