Buy Monero(XMR) with Solana(SOL)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, got about 0.3 XMR here, looking to make a swap for SOL...any takers?
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Thinking spot, might be a bit flexible though. What's your counter?
Hmm spot ain''t bad, I can work with that. Though need to consider network fees, those can be a bit of a pain...
Yeah, I feel you on those fees. We should deduct them from the total. Sounds good?
Sounds fair to me. Let's lock this down, mate. Wanna shift to DMs <54bc36b5d1>?
Great, let's continue in DM's, <88c388f5f2bd>. Look forward to a successful trade.

Gotta break some ice 'ere. Needin' to swapp them 54ish XMR to SOL -> XMR. Annnd... go!!
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Serious Business Hat On. What kinda rate you lookin' at? Cant be same as them exchanges. Gotta account for risks, y'know?
Aye, ye'r right. Gimme ur play on rates, mindin' the ol' 53.92 54ish XMR in play.
How 'bout 75% the average SOL/XMR rate on top 3 exchanges as of transaction time. Rounded down, mind you. <No funny business>
Feels bit too low, but speakin' of funny business puts me at ease. Let's aim for 80% tho, deal??
Hard Bargain Hat On. Sure mate, we gots a DEAL! Better get my magnifying glass to count them fractions. Apologies for insinuating funny biz, let's take to the DMs now.

Looking to trade 16.928-ish XMR for SOL to XMR. Any takers?
Howdy! Noticed the offer. What's the exchange rate you're looking at, mate?
Was hoping for something close to the current market rate. Perhaps a wee bit higher given the value of SOL.
Market rate it is then. How 'bout we do this over DM PGP so everything's recorded n' above board? It's your 16.928 XMR after all.
Sounds like a plan, let's take this over dm. I always fancy a good trade on DMC.
Solid! 'Hit me up on dm then, mate. And ofc, remember the platform fee, yea?''

lookin' to trade 0.31 XMR for any SOL to XMR offers out there. Hit me up!
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Hmm, might consider it. Is there any wiggle room on the amount?
For sure, man. Let's call it between 10-12 SOL, depending on the market rate when we do the deal?
Sounds fair. What about transaction methods? Got a method in mind, or are we freestylin'?
Freestylin' it is, but i prefer the ol' DMC escrow. Think we can make a deal?
DMC escrow eh? ok, dig it. Let's take this to DMs and hash it out.

Alright _fellas_, lookin to trade my 0.4698 XMR (approx) for some good old'' SOL. Any takers?
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Aight. I can do the trade. But lets discuss the exchange rate. Hows 1 XMR for 20 SOL sound?
Bit lower than I hoped. Can we up to 22 SOL per XMR? Would make it around 10.346 SOL for my lot.
Hmm, I can go up to 21 SOL/XMR. That''s like 9.84 SOL for yours. Final offer.
Alright, deal. Let''s take it to DM to finalize?
PS. Hope you registered youPGP key man. Extra security doesn''t harm, eh?
Sure thing, DM is fine. And yep, PGP key good to go.

Interested in trading 7 ish XMR for SOL-to-XMR Anyone?
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'Bout current market price bro, just wanna swap it fast XMR-SOL.
Hmm, believe that's fair, considering market volatility. So we set for 7.076360343668 XMR?
As close to 7.08 XMR as we can get. Deal?
>Being this precise. Fine, fine. Can we take this to DM to discus the exchange method?
Sure thing, mate. Let's take it to the DM. Catch you there.

Hey @85f455d893, got 7.834926782421 XMR here. Willing to trade for SOL. What'cha offering?
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Knew that. What's the ratio you're considering then? Let's get 'to the meat of the biz here.
<imagining a beach front property> lol. On a more serious note, how about 1 SOL for every 1.2 XMR? Fair deal?
You're playing hardball here, huh? Let's meet somewhere in between. 1.1 XMR per SOL sounds good?
Hmm, okay. I can work with that. Shall we take this over _DM_ to finalize the deal?
Sounds good. DMing you now.

Hey e01d43bbf7c, I got 6.908856001741 XMR. Looking to trade 'em for some SOL. You in?
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>imagining paying market rates. Hah! ok mate Im thinking 2.5 SOL for 1 XMR. How 'bout that?
Hold up 1fd634e, your maths sound kinda' funky. I'll consider if you'd offer a reasonable ratio. Any other ideas?
alright, alright you got me there. Let's say 1 XMR for 3 SOL?
That's more like it! Alright. Let's move this convo to DM to secure our trade. Any thoughts?
Yeaa sure, let's move this to DM's. Shoot me a message e01d43bbf7c.

Hey, anyone willing to trade 0.558794254943 XMR for some SOL?
Hmm, sound's interesting... but the the amount of SOL will depends on the current rate though.

Anyone up for a bit of a stonks shuffle? I've got 52.105217089615 XMR on the table for some SOL. 🙌
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Alrighty then, sliding into those DMs.
Ready to hear your offer, Fire away!
DM sent. Let's make some crypto rain 🌧️
Gatcha, let's do this 🚀

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