Buy Monero(XMR) with Solana(SOL)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey @85f455d893, got 7.834926782421 XMR here. Willing to trade for SOL. What'cha offering?
Hmm, that's quite a bit of XMR. Tho I'm definitely interested. Gotta check latest sol rates tho, 1 sec.
Sure thing, mate. Don't keep me waiting too long tho.
Okay, here's what I found. Current rate for SOL is -- bunch higher than XMR. That means, given your XMR''s, I can't offer a 1:1 exchange. Sorry dude.
Knew that. What's the ratio you're considering then? Let's get 'to the meat of the biz here.
<imagining a beach front property> lol. On a more serious note, how about 1 SOL for every 1.2 XMR? Fair deal?
You're playing hardball here, huh? Let's meet somewhere in between. 1.1 XMR per SOL sounds good?
Hmm, okay. I can work with that. Shall we take this over _DM_ to finalize the deal?
Sounds good. DMing you now.
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