Buy Monero(XMR) with Solana(SOL)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Anyone interedt in a littel trade action? Got some juicy 0.472571620942 XMR. Looking to be traded for SOL to XMR..
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Given today's rates and all thinkin' about 3 SOL maybe? Seems fair or you 've better ideas?
Hmmm...Let me do a quick calculation here. You know, just to make sure I'm not being >ripped off<*laughs*
Ha ha 'ripped off', good one. Take your time, won't run anywhere with my 0.472571620942 XMR.
Alright mate, you've got a deal! Let's move this chit-chat to DM to finalise this. Sound like a plan?
Bloody brilliant! Let's take it to DM then.

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