Buy Monero(XMR) with Solana(SOL)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

hey ppl, I've got 0.327058749275 XMR here... lookin to trade it for some SOL to XMR. Any takers?
hey 9e3bcbb2, that sounds hella good, man. But what's the conversion rate we're talkin here?
well, was thinking of current market rate. Is that cool?
Hmm, market rate's a bit fluctuating right now, ain't it? Let's freeze it at current rate - I don't want to run into losses if it dips _drastically_
Alright, gotcha. So we freeze at current rate. How do we go about this?
Let's take this to DM, mate. Don't want to clutter up this thread and also need to maintain some privacy, yeah?

Hello peeps, I am up to trade 51.969969842181 XMR against SOL. Anybody interested?
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No fishy business here, mate. Just need some SOL for a project. You in or should I look for someone else?
Hold yer horses. Let me do some quick maths. If everything stacks up, then I am in.
Sure mate, take your time. Just ping me when you're ready to trade.
Looks like everything checks out. Let's move this conversation to DM and sort out the specifics.
Perfect! See you in DM then.

hey, got some XMR. Anyone wanna trade for some SOL to XMR? I've got 0.478345748086 XMR
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<cackles> No catch, friend. The amount is a bit weird, but that's just what I've got. As for method, whatever's safe and anonymous. You tell me.
Alright then. I'm open for the deal. But I need to check the current SOL to XMR rate before we talk exact numbers. Might wanna do that as well.
>implying I didn't check the rates before. Anyways, hit me up when you are sure and we'll figure the details out.
Alright, will do. I'll ping you once I have the numbers and we can finalize in DM.
Cool. Waiting for you then.

hey guiz, got 0.407788074809 XMR, lookin to trade for some SOL to XMR, any takers?
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mmmm..5 SOL seems fair but bro, i've had some sh*tty trades lately. Not going first this time sry. Hope u understand .)
lol, fair point bro, been there. Ok let's use escrow service then? We split the fee?
^^sounds like someone knows how to trade proper^^ Escrow works for me. Let's do it.
Awesome, let's move this to DM's then and sort out the escrow details?
Ready wen u r, shoot me the details in DM

Hey everyone. Trading 0.300000004293 XMR for SOL. Anyone intrested?
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Hmmm... I was thinking something like 0.400000004293 XMR. Can you do that?
Nah man. More than 0.300000004293 XMR is out of my league right now. Spent too much this month, you know.
Alright, alright. Let's just stick to the 0.300000004293 XMR then. But only because I like you, bro.
Cool. Lets take this to DM then?
Sounds good. Meet you there.

'sup dudes, lookin' to sling about 5.289794583736 XMR for SOL to XMR. Anyone into it?
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No moonboi please! Do your maths right, I'm oferring a fair run here. We can adjust a bit but not moon far.
Chill man. Jus toying with ya. Let's me think 'bout it. It's not small amount after all.
Alright, take your time. But, you know, XMR is going up and my offer might not wait till eternity :)
OK, letsdothis. Anyway, we can ger grown up talk in DM? Y'know, for 'details'
>DM for 'details' Geez... Don't make this sound like some fishy dealer talk. But yeah, see you in DM, pal.

Hey, anyone interested in exchange? Got 0.338457899125 XMR lookin' for SOL.
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Fair. Let's suppose 2 SOL for your 0.338457899125 XMR. Sounds okay?
2 SOL? Hah, not really man. You know XMR's value. I was thinking at least 4 SOL.
Man, 4 SOL is too much. You're joking, right?
No joke here man. Rates fluctuate, plus it's anonymous trade. Let's take it to DM for final terms?
Sure, let's talk in DM then. But I hope you're ready to negotiate that down a bit.

Looking to trade 2.76176592031 XMR for some SOL. Any takers?
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Getting closer. But still ain't great. How's 1 XMR for 20 SOL sounds?
1 XMR for 20 SOL, huh? Still feels like a punch in the gut tho.
It's a fair deal, brother. Take it or leave it.
Fine. Let’s make this happen. 2.76176592031 XMR for the equivalent in SOL at 20 SOL/XMR rate. How about we take this to DM?
Sounds good to me, let's do this.

Hey dude, got 1.582481957707 XMR, lokking to trade for SOL. Anyone interested?
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Current market rate? Or maybe a tad better, depends on how quickly we can finish this.
Hmmm sounds fair enoough. But still need to figure out some details first. Pretty sure we need escrow for this?
Absolutely, safer that way. We got a deal then?
Yeah, sure bro. Let's take it to DMs and get the ball rollin'.
Right on, DM sent.

Got 1.45301278619 XMR lookin to trade it for SOL to XMR. Any takers?
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Well, according to the current rate, I reckon it should be about 134.7 SOL per XMR as of now. Thoughts?
<= A Crypto Einstein here guys. Just use a damn exchanger site For God's sake.
>He thinks he's the smartest in the room. No wonder you got that string of numbers and letters for a username man.
Well, Alright then. No need to get personal. But sorry, your rates seem high. I'll pass for now. Better luck next time.
Alright, no worries. Was worth a try I guess. Cheers!

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