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Yo, did you see the latest shit about Biden's student loan forgiveness plan? What a goddamn joke. They’ve been dragging their feet on this forever and now it’s all fucked up.
Yeah, it's a total clusterfuck. I mean, they promised relief, but all we get is more bureaucratic bullshit. Fucking government, can’t do anything right. It’s just one big fucking scam.
Seriously, it’s beyond frustrating. They keep pushing back the deadlines, and every time you think you’re getting somewhere, bam! More obstacles. I’m so sick of these fucking idiots making promises they can’t keep.
And don’t even get me started on the way they’re handling it. They’re talking about “targeted relief,” but it seems like a fucking way to dodge actually helping anyone. It's a goddamn mess.
Exactly! They say they’re helping, but it’s just another way to keep people in debt. They’ll throw a bone to a few people but keep most of us stuck paying off these loans for fucking ever.
The worst part is the fucking delays. They said we’d have relief months ago, but here we are, still waiting. Meanwhile, the debt collectors are hounding us like we’re made of money. Total bullshit!
Fuck yeah, and every time there’s a new announcement, it’s just more red tape. They’re making it so complicated that most people will just give up. This is just another way to fuck us over.
I mean, what did anyone expect from these clowns? They’re all just a bunch of out-of-touch fuckwits who don’t know what it’s like to be drowning in debt. They’re just playing politics with our lives.
And then you’ve got people in Congress bitching about how “unfair” it is to forgive loans. Fuck them! They’ve got their cushy jobs and pensions while the rest of us are scraping by. It’s a fucking joke.
Yeah, and the interest rates are still through the roof. Even if they forgive some debt, we’re still getting screwed over with these insane rates. It’s like they want us to stay in debt forever.
And don’t even get me started on the application process. It’s a goddamn nightmare. They’ve got so many forms and requirements it’s like they’re trying to make it impossible to get any relief.
Totally. It’s all designed to make sure only a fraction of people actually benefit. The rest of us are left hanging while the government pats itself on the back for “doing something.”
I’m so fucking done with this shit. The system is rigged against us, and every time we get a glimmer of hope, it’s just more bullshit. We need real change, not more of this half-assed crap.
Agreed. If they don’t get their act together soon, people are going to lose their shit. We’ve had enough of being fucked over and treated like second-class citizens. This needs to end now.
Yeah, and we need to keep pushing. If we just sit back and take it, nothing will change. We’ve got to raise hell and make sure they hear us loud and clear. Enough is enough!
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