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Fucking hell, the rent just went up AGAIN. How the fuck are we supposed to live? Every month it’s like they’re squeezing us for every last cent. I’m fucking done with this shit!
No kidding! It’s like they don’t give a shit if we starve or end up on the streets. These landlords are greedy bastards! I swear, one day, I’ll burn this whole damn building down.
It’s insane, man. My rent’s up by 30% since last year, and my paycheck? Same fucking number. How the hell is anyone supposed to survive like this? These assholes are sucking us dry!
And the government’s doing fuck all about it. They talk big about “affordable housing” but where the hell is it? They don’t care because they’re sitting pretty in their big-ass houses. They can all fuck off!
Bro, I just got my eviction notice. Rent went up and I can’t pay it anymore. Where the fuck am I supposed to go? There’s nothing out there I can afford. This shit is scary as hell!
It’s all a goddamn scam. They’re driving us into the ground, and for what? So some rich dickhead can buy another yacht? I’m so fucking pissed. We’re being played like idiots.
They’re all in on it too—banks, real estate assholes, politicians. They don’t give a shit about us. We’re just cash cows to them. I’m fucking terrified of what’s coming next. How much more can people take?
Exactly! We’re all one rent hike away from being homeless, and nobody’s fucking talking about it. It’s like we’re just supposed to accept that this is how it is now. Fuck that, I’m angry as hell!
I’m sick of working my ass off just to pay for a shitty apartment that costs more every year. And for what? To barely scrape by while these pricks get richer? I want to punch a wall, man. This is bullshit.
Honestly, I don’t even know what to do anymore. The fear of losing my home is real. We’re all stuck in this nightmare, and it feels like it’s only getting worse. This isn’t living; it’s barely surviving.
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