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Yo, what the fuck is even the point of anything? We’re all just shuffling around like idiots, waiting to get flushed down the cosmic toilet.
Dude, don’t even start. Life’s a fucking joke. We’re just here to pay bills, eat shit, and die. And people still act like it all means something. Pathetic.
Honestly, it’s all a goddamn simulation run by some sick fuck who’s bored out of their mind. That’s why everything’s so fucked up—no one’s at the controls.
Exactly! Like, what kind of twisted asshole would design a world where we’re just grinding away, getting screwed by everyone and everything? It’s all bullshit.
And don’t even get me started on those idiots who think they’ve got it all figured out. “Just work hard and everything will be fine.” Yeah, right. Keep slaving away, dumbass.
Fuck that noise. Working hard just means you’re digging your own grave faster. The whole system’s rigged. We’re just pawns in some fucked up game, and we’re losing.
No shit. We’re all just rats in a maze, running around in circles, thinking we’re making progress when we’re really just getting fucked from every angle.
The worst part? The assholes in charge are laughing their asses off, watching us scramble like headless chickens. We’re all just their entertainment.
Yep, we’re living in some twisted reality show, and the joke’s on us. The universe is just one big dumpster fire, and we’re burning alive in it.
Fuck it, man. If everything’s going to hell anyway, might as well go out flipping the bird to the whole damn thing. Nothing matters, so who gives a shit?
Preach, brother. This whole world can go fuck itself. I’m done playing nice. Time to burn it all down and watch the ashes fall.
Hell yeah. If life’s gonna fuck us over, might as well fuck it back twice as hard. Burn the bridges, torch the bullshit, and walk away laughing.
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