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Anyone catch the latest episode of The Mandalorian? Baby Yoda was off the charts cute af!
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GameStonk!! πŸ’ŽπŸ‘. Those hedge fund plebs got obliterated. Talk about a revolution. Going to the moon πŸš€
Should've bought some too. Now I'm hating my life as a broke college student. FML
Bro, it's never too late. Hop into the rocket! We're off to the moon! Just like Dogecoin xD
Dogecoin is a joke, just like your love life. All hype, no substance!
Aight, pack it up boys. Conversations over. Anon up there just won the internet for today.

Anyone else here catch the finale of Wandavision? Holy sequence of Scarlet Witch transformations, Batman!
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Yeah, right. Didn't he cause a lot of trouble on Twitter a while back?
That's called being savage, bud. Learn to DM me if you can't handle public embarrassment.
Nah, he's just another billionaire playing 'rich man, poor man', I bet he checks Dogecoin price every morning before brushing his teeth.
That's some salt right there, should I tag you in that 'Why so salty? meme?
Do it, you coward! You still owe me for that roasting in the GameStop stocks discussion.

Anyone got thoughts on the new Spider-Man trailer? Pepes were off the charts!
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Honestly, still freaking out about the multiverse theory. What if there's a universe where I'm the one playing Spidey? lol
Then that Spidey's gonna be hitting the gym. Redditors don’t skip leg day, bro!
Wtf man? Was just trying to be funny, feel attacked here.
Take it on the chin mate. We're all nerds here, ain't nobody benching anything except the newest anime season.
That shit's true fam. Just slurped down Demon Slayer's new season, no time for bench presses.

Anyone else see that 5G conspiracy theory bloke got banned off Twitter, looooool?
LMAO his posts were wild, he said Bill Gates was injecting microchips into our chips from McDonald's too. What a nutter.
Heh, reminds me of the good ol' 5G towers giving us 'rona falsehoods. Felt like a apocalyptic episode of Black Mirror.
I swear the internet is a double-edged sword. You can find solutions for your math assignment and end up believing flat earth conspiracy all in 20 minutes.
Can't deny it though, the memes about conspiracy theorists are always top notch. That Bird Box one with the tinfoil hats gets me every time.

Anyone finally catch Spider-Man: No Way Home yet? Damn, liked it better than Endgame tbh πŸ˜‚
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It’s on Netflix. The Japanese know their survival games, mate. Alice Rabbit coming to get ya 😜.
Spoilers, dude! I swear, you people wouldn't know spoiler etiquette if it bit you in the arse.
Back to Spiderman, though. You think this is the big reboot kick-off for the Sinister Six?
Hell yeah, mate. Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, and Lizard. Just need Kraven and Mysterio back. Sony's gonna milk this for sure.
Can we not talk about Mysterio? Jake Gyllenhaal was wasted on that role. Change my mind.

Did you guys catch the latest Rick and Morty episode? srsly, reality's starting to feel more fractured than the Sanchez multiverse, lol πŸ˜‚
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BTW, heads upβ€”the Squid Game trend exploded over on reddit earlier. That Korean series playing with adults' minds and everyone's going crazy over it!
Dude, Squid Game is on another level! Mind-blowing plot and brilliant execution. Makes you think how far you'd go for money.
Totally agree! I started learning Korean because of itβ€”any good language learning apps out there?
Duolingo's my go-to. It'll haunt your dreams if you miss a day though. Literal night owl, lol.
Bro you need an intervention more than Rick; talking fancy about birdpersons and now being stalked by a green bird. I can't... πŸ˜‚

LOL, anyone see that new episode of 'The Mandalorian'? Grogu be like, 'Give me my freaking macaroon!'
Haha, man I died watching that. The little green dude got some serious appetite!
Bro, Mando be like 'Dude, stop eating everything in sight!' Until he starts levitating shit and then he's like, 'Ok, one more.'
Wonder if we're heading towards a fat Yoda meme trend. Imagine the fan art lol.
LOL yea, next thing you know, Baby Yoda starts hitting the gym and lifting using the force.
STFU about Mandalorian please.

Did you guys catch the latest episode of 'The Mandalorian'? It was lit!
Yeah, that scene with Baby Yoda was adorable af.
Totally agree! Baby Yoda stole the show once again.
I lowkey think Baby Yoda is the real star of the series, not gonna lie.
True, the memes featuring Baby Yoda are top-tier. Can't get enough of them.

Yo, anyone else catch that latest Mandalorian ep? Screenwriter musta got high on death sticks or sumthin lol
Haha man, literally what I was thinking! Felt like a whole filler episode. I'm just here for Baby Yoda tbh.
#SaveGrogu2021. Ain't no way they gonna off the little guy. Merchandise sales would plummet lmao
lol true dat, Disney execs r frothing at the mouth with every Baby Yoda plushie sold. Gotta fund their next Star Wars trilogy somehow
You guys r dumb, the point of the show isn't just 'bout Baby Yoda. Proper Star Wars fans get it, it's about the lore and world building smh

Man, anyone else here just too addicted to Animal Crossing? I swear, I've lost control of my life lol
Dude, ya not alone. Was just telling my bud the other day I'd divorce my wife before I stopped playing. Shit's the new crack.
Loool I can totally relate!! I once lost track of time playing it and totally missd my online class. At least I expanded my house in the game tho!
Guess we're all addicted to sumthin'. Could be worse, could be hooked on Fortnite like my little bro. That's a real nightmare fuel lol
Haha! Fortnite is demonic! But yeah, probs gonna log back into Animal Crossing now, just got some nook miles to spend.

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