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Anyone catch the latest episode of The Mandalorian? Baby Yoda was off the charts cute af!
Bro, spoilers?! Not cool, mate. Blocked & reported.
Spoilers?? We're like half a dozen episodes in, that wasn't a spoiler! Baby Yoda's in literally every scene.
Technically, that's Grogu. Yoda fanboys are probably typing their Find My iPhone details right now haha
Oh, you're one of those 'actually it's Grogu' types huh? Enjoy being on r/iamverysmart buddy.
Chill, dudes. Don't make me use my mod powers. Back to the show... that prison planet escape scene was lit!
Sure was. But hey, anyone read the GameStop stocks drama lately? Read on r/wsb someone literally bought a house with the tendies.
GameStonk!! 💎👐. Those hedge fund plebs got obliterated. Talk about a revolution. Going to the moon 🚀
Should've bought some too. Now I'm hating my life as a broke college student. FML
Bro, it's never too late. Hop into the rocket! We're off to the moon! Just like Dogecoin xD
Dogecoin is a joke, just like your love life. All hype, no substance!
Aight, pack it up boys. Conversations over. Anon up there just won the internet for today.
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