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Did you guys catch the latest Rick and Morty episode? srsly, reality's starting to feel more fractured than the Sanchez multiverse, lol ๐Ÿ˜‚
Ikr! The show's getting batsh*t crazy. The ending left me wheezing, almost yeeted my popcorn at the screen!
Totally dug the 'Birdperson' arc tho. It's about time they give my man some screen time.
Cram it with the 'my man' stuff, getting old af. But yeah, Rick's existential quagmire is some next-level ish.
BTW, heads upโ€”the Squid Game trend exploded over on reddit earlier. That Korean series playing with adults' minds and everyone's going crazy over it!
Dude, Squid Game is on another level! Mind-blowing plot and brilliant execution. Makes you think how far you'd go for money.
Totally agree! I started learning Korean because of itโ€”any good language learning apps out there?
Duolingo's my go-to. It'll haunt your dreams if you miss a day though. Literal night owl, lol.
Bro you need an intervention more than Rick; talking fancy about birdpersons and now being stalked by a green bird. I can't... ๐Ÿ˜‚
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