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Yo guys, anyone catch the latest episode of Breaking Bad?
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WTF. No spoilers, man, jsut cought up till season 3. Don't ruin the ride for me.
Whatever, just don't look at any fan theories online. Spoiler minefield out there. Just enjoy the show.
'Fan theories' == Ultimate Spoilers
Honestly, true. And some peeps have WAY too much free time on their hands.
Damn straight. Now excuse me while I go watch 2 seasons in one night

Who's everyone's fav character from Attack on Titan?
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Siding with Levi here. Guy cuts titans like he's slicing pizzas for dinner.
full ack for Levi, but Armin be the real MVP imho, dude's a genius!
What geniud? He doens't fight titans, he's just scared all the time.
SPOILER AHEAD, cover your eyes!
wait till you see Armin in the final season lol

Did you catch the latest Star Wars episode? They completely botched it, IMO
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Calm down folks, no need to shit on him. Warning for Spoilers Ahead fellas, let's keep it friendly.
Yeah, thanks <pseudo-moderator>. Look, it's not the most stellar season, but who watches Star Wars for consistency anyway?
> who watches Star Wars for consistency anyway? Haha, was that a pun intended? Because it's a star... space... okay, nevermind.
Wow, that was the most 'forced' joke I've ever read.
Get it? FORCED? 'Cause it's Star... Wars... THE FORCE? Okay, I'll show myself out.

So, Anyone watch that new MCU movie yet??
Hell yeah mate, saw it last night! Total ripper!
>new MCU movie

Great, another flick to fill Disney's pockets
Hey! No spoilers, guys! Waiting to watch it this weekend.
C'mon its MCU, do we even exepct spoilers anymore?
The Franchise that never dies
MCU: 'I think I've run out of characters' 
Fans: 'Think harder.'

Man, the last episode of 'Attack on Titan' was a total mindfuck. Can't believe they ended it like that.
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Couldn't agree more. It's not the ending we want, but the ending we deserved, maybe?
And the theories on Reddit are just crazy. People are overthinking it way too much.
> goes to Reddit > gets mind blown. Rinse and repeat.
I'm done, guys. Need to process all this. It's been wild.
No kidding. I need a 'cuppa' and a long nap before I can function normally after that finale.

Anyone else sick of these reboots? Hollywood's out of ideas.
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==Idea!= Guys, let's make a Kickstarter. We buy film rights and make our own reboot. With blackjack. And hookers.
Reddit: single handedly saving cinematography.
Spoiler alert It'll end up as another Cats disaster.
Heh, I'd pay to see that trainwreck. Still better than CGI Lea in Rogue One...
Well, that escalated quickly.

So did y'all catch the latest Game of Thrones episode yet?
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>implying I had a social life in the first place. Lol
That's the spirit! Embrace the hermit life
Does anyone else think season 8 was a disaster though?
Ah, mate, don't get me started about season 8
'I'd rather pretend it never happened.'

Just binged Invincible over the weekend. Didn't think I'd like it, but daaamn it's good!
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spoiler eh? Please, for the love of god, don't ruin it for us late bloomers.
Whatever dude, at least it ain't another bloated superhero movie.
Can we actually talk about the plot or you just gonna bitch around here?
Relax man, it's just a discussion. Don't take it so seriously.
Seriously Out here defending the honor of your waifu Omni Man, smh.

Did ya'll catch the new Marvel series? 
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Y'all are too critics. Just enjoy the damn show!
< chill dude, everyone's entitled to an opinion
Yeah imagine getting butthurt over opinions, couldnt be me sarcasm
Spoiler, the comics are better than any of these series.
> this guy with his 'comics are superior' argument again

Stuck at home due to pandemic, too bored.
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Tried Cowboy Bebop?
Nah, guess I'll add that to my quarantine watchlist.
Now we're talkin', finally a guy with taste!
Was about to die of boredom, guess anime's not too shabby.
Get ready for a sleepless night buddy, anime addiction starts just like this. LOL!

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