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So did y'all catch the latest Game of Thrones episode yet?
Nah man, I'm still stuck in season 3 lol. No spoilers please!
No spoilers!
Alright, alright, we'll hold the door for ya.
Dude, but that episode blew my freakin' mind! It's so insane
I feel like I'm the only one who still hasn't seen a single episode. Am I missing out?
To be brutally honest, yes, you're missing some epic shit right there!
Well, shit. Maybe I'll start binge-watching this weekend then
heh, prepare to say goodbye to your social life
already nonexistent
>implying I had a social life in the first place. Lol
That's the spirit! Embrace the hermit life
Does anyone else think season 8 was a disaster though?
Ah, mate, don't get me started about season 8
'I'd rather pretend it never happened.'
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