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Man, the last episode of 'Attack on Titan' was a total mindfuck. Can't believe they ended it like that.
Totally, dude. I was like, what the hell just happened? Took me a moment to register the whole thing. It was like bizarro world.
But bro, what about the animation? I mean, they really stepped up their game, didn't they?
Hell yeah! The action sequences were just top-notch. Got to give it to MAPPA for that.
whispering Spoilers Ahead, Beware! Slightly expecting a different ending.
Couldn't agree more. It's not the ending we want, but the ending we deserved, maybe?
And the theories on Reddit are just crazy. People are overthinking it way too much.
> goes to Reddit > gets mind blown. Rinse and repeat.
I'm done, guys. Need to process all this. It's been wild.
No kidding. I need a 'cuppa' and a long nap before I can function normally after that finale.
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