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Anyone else sick of these reboots? Hollywood's out of ideas.
100%. They butchered the Matrix reboot. What's next? Back to the Future with a hover Prius?
>Back to the Future with a hover Prius. LOL
I know, right? Didn't they learn anything from Ghostbusters 2016? Crashed and burned faster than the Hindenburg.
'Star Wars' reboot: every character is a porg.
Groan I just threw up a little in my mouth.
==Idea!= Guys, let's make a Kickstarter. We buy film rights and make our own reboot. With blackjack. And hookers.
Reddit: single handedly saving cinematography.
Spoiler alert It'll end up as another Cats disaster.
Heh, I'd pay to see that trainwreck. Still better than CGI Lea in Rogue One...
Well, that escalated quickly.
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