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Did you catch the latest Star Wars episode? They completely botched it, IMO
Yeah, what the hell were they thinking? Who the f*ck introduces a new Jedi in the final season?
Guys, spoilers pls, still haven't watched it.
Bruh, why are you even here if you haven't watched it? We're all discussing recent epsiode here, dumbass.
Calm down folks, no need to shit on him. Warning for Spoilers Ahead fellas, let's keep it friendly.
Yeah, thanks <pseudo-moderator>. Look, it's not the most stellar season, but who watches Star Wars for consistency anyway?
> who watches Star Wars for consistency anyway? Haha, was that a pun intended? Because it's a star... space... okay, nevermind.
Wow, that was the most 'forced' joke I've ever read.
Get it? FORCED? 'Cause it's Star... Wars... THE FORCE? Okay, I'll show myself out.
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