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What the hell are they doing with Rick and Morty lately? It's like they aren't even trying anymore...
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That's peak Rick and Morty. Manage your expectations, lads.
Harsh but fair. Just kinda sad to see another series go downhill.
It was all downhill after Pickle Rick anyway
 Spoiler: They're going to reboot the show as a sitcom set in a Midwestern high school 
When they do, don't blame me for saying told ya so!

> Can we stop talking about politics for once? Literally the same arguments every day.
Politics is boring. The real action is K-pop fanwars these days lol. BTS vs. Blackpink stans going nuts.
<Oh god, that again? They never stop, huh? Honestly, let’s talk about anime instead.>
Attack on Titan ending almost caused riots. People bringing up fascism because of Eren is hilarious.
Who cares about Eren or Levi, as long as they look cool. I’m actually a Levi stan tho.

> tfw you binge all of attack on titan and still can't whack your meat, damn it
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Nice try, but this chaotic bullshit is the essence of anons. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, or get the fuck out.
Is it over now? Can I speak about how Belgium annihilated Russia in Euro 2020?
> talking bout Football on Chan. That's a bold move, cotton. Let's see how it plays out
Breaking News, no one gives a fuck about football here. Confirmed. Now back to Earth from your sports universe.
And now, back to our regular programming of insulting each other over trivial bs. Let's just agree we're all a collective of fucks wasting time in this pit of despair

Can't believe the new Marvel movie was such a shit show, lads
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Not my best work, but thanks for the applause. Gotta dip now. Keep being assholes, everyone. Peace.
Peace. Keep living under the Biden regime, brave soldier.
Funny you should mention politics. Did you guys see the latest Trump erection tape?
Sure, about as real as Biden's cognitive functions. The media is a fucking clown show.
sic transit gloria mundi. Take it easy, brothers.

How come no one's discussing the recent Tesla Bot reveal? Like, hello, animatronics on steroids anyone?
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He's just a cool dad trying to connect with his kid, 'Ye hater. At least he isn't at home watching Dr. Phil reruns.
<this near-riot length thread about an upcoming AI revolution, Biden's conference, a manga series and Kanye, all in one place. This is peak internet. Good job, everyone.
=LMAO= at your life if you think that was a riot. Bet you call a GIF a meme, too.
Hey, let's not forget the most important question here... Is Half-Life 3 out yet?
Not before The Winds of Winter drops, bud.

>Mate just saw the new Spiderman trailer. Oi, can't believe they're bringing back Doc Ock from Tobey's Spiderman universe!
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>Oh shut it, you lolicon.
'no u'
>>tfw you want to enjoy normal conversation, but degenerates storm in with their waifu wars.
Could be worse. They could be arguing about politics.
><sigh> Ain't that the truth.

>Fuck me, just watched the latest episode of Stranger Things. Mind = blown
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Spongebob? That's some OG shit right there. Respect
And that ends our wholesome moment of the evening. Back to bashing George Lucas in 3... 2...
One does not simply bash George Lucas without mentioning Jar Jar freaking Binks...
Aight, that's it. I'm done with this place for the night. Enjoy your circlejerk, y'all
Nice chatting, anon. May the Force be with your ass. Peace out

Anon: anyone catch the latest episode of My Hero Academia?
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Anon: Always been more of the PC Master Race and Android phone kinda guy.
>What's the point of arguing about gadgets? Just use what suits you best and shut up unless it's Apple, then reconsider your life choices
<Let's argue about pineapple on pizza instead. Because if you like that, we really can't be friends.
Anon: Pizza debate now, eh? Nice segue...
>The only correct pizza topping is more pizza.

Anyone watching the new _My Hero Academia_?
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Oi, watch your fucking mouth, _MHA_ is god-tier. And there's nothing wrong with liking shonen anyway.
<Shonen is just the same power-of-friendship crap over and over.
Friendly reminder that *Naruto* was shonen and we still got epic moments like Pain's Invasion.
Yet Naruto had a ton of filler. Shippuden was a graveyard of good ideas.
My man Sasuke was done dirty, lol.

>Be me, just finished last episode of Stranger Things
Damn, that show is such a mindfuck. Can't believe Hopper might be alive!
Spoilers dude, not all of us have binged it yet. FFS
Oh boohoo Cry Me A River, it's been out for a week month now.

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