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What the hell are they doing with Rick and Morty lately? It's like they aren't even trying anymore...
Lol, right? Feel like they're relying on the same trope too much.
That's the problem with succesful shows these days, they try to milk same shit until it ain't funny no more.
>Morty being the smart one in the family all of a sudden?
I kinda liked that subvert tho, nice to see him getting cut some slack.
Lazy writing. Just like how they hvae the Simpsons now. They do not know WTF to do with them anymore.
<Always felt like they kind of lost it after season 3.>
That's peak Rick and Morty. Manage your expectations, lads.
Harsh but fair. Just kinda sad to see another series go downhill.
It was all downhill after Pickle Rick anyway
 Spoiler: They're going to reboot the show as a sitcom set in a Midwestern high school 
When they do, don't blame me for saying told ya so!
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