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>Mate just saw the new Spiderman trailer. Oi, can't believe they're bringing back Doc Ock from Tobey's Spiderman universe!
>No way, you're bullshitting.
Look it up for yourself, nonce.
>Alright, gonna check it now. By the way, has anyone seen that new Demon Slayer movie? Was it worth the hype?
New what now?
Demon Slayer. It's an anime.
<Oh great, not more anime.
>Keep your knickers on. It's actually pretty decent.
Anime Thread
Every thread is an anime thread if enough weebs are present.
Laugh it up. Demon Slayer's animation quality is top notch, you can't deny that.
>Sure it's good. But they're all the same. Overpowered kid, tragic backstory... Yadda yadda.
<Don't forget the mandatory tsundere girl character.
Spoiler alert: She's the best girl.
>Oh shut it, you lolicon.
'no u'
>>tfw you want to enjoy normal conversation, but degenerates storm in with their waifu wars.
Could be worse. They could be arguing about politics.
><sigh> Ain't that the truth.
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