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Can't believe the new Marvel movie was such a shit show, lads
You mean the Eternals? Man, was that Pandering 101 or what?
>implying anything from toyland isn't a capitalist ploy in shiny cgi pants. Wake up, sheeple.
You didn't dig it, huh? I thought the diversity cast was pretty cool.
Only a soi-boi would unironically enjoy that trash. Good visuals, sure. Story? Character development? Fucking nada.
Eh, what do you know? Probably a DC fanboy, huh.
Breaking News James Gunn has been handed Star Wars.
Shit, really? Can't decide whether that's a blessing or a fucking curse lol.
'bout time they passed the torch to someone new. Can't be worse than the Sequel Trilogy, amirite?
>new Star Wars movie Expecting it to be a masterpiece. KEK
<Expecting it not to be a dumpster fire. You guys sure are optimistic.
Bet it's gonna be filled to brim with Marvel humor. God save us.
Wouldn't mind some humor tbh, those sequels were dry as fuck.
Vader would go all 'nooooo' if he knew what they're doing to his legacy. Sad shit, lads.
I'd rather watch Attack on Titans reruns than another Disney distorted-fest.
Good choice. Although, that Gabi chick is yet another character I'd love to strangle.
>hates on Gabi Has a crush on Historia. Typical.
Yeagerists rise up! Haha. But seriously, Historia > Gabi.
Burn this convo. OP's taste is contact hepatitis.
You guys heard about Elon Musk's new neurotech thing?
Nah, I'm too busy worrying about whether or not I can pay this month's rent to concern myself with billionaire space boy's new toys.
Billionaire space boy. I'm stealing that one. You're good, anon.
Not my best work, but thanks for the applause. Gotta dip now. Keep being assholes, everyone. Peace.
Peace. Keep living under the Biden regime, brave soldier.
Funny you should mention politics. Did you guys see the latest Trump erection tape?
Sure, about as real as Biden's cognitive functions. The media is a fucking clown show.
sic transit gloria mundi. Take it easy, brothers.
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