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Anon: anyone catch the latest episode of My Hero Academia?
>Binged it already mate. That fight scene, absolutely top shelf.
<Lol My Hero what? Some of us have a life outside weird anime shit, ya know.
>Nice projection, douche wagon. Anyhoo, I'm getting sick of Uraraka's hopeless crush on Deku. They better address it soon.
Anon: FFS, not everyone watches shitty anime. Let's talk about the shitshow that is crypto right now.
>You mean Elon's newest plaything? Haha
<Nah man, that's for the nerds. Did anyone see that sick dunk in the Lakers game last night??
Anon: Nah, was busy watching ▌│█║▌║▌║ Attack on Titan ║▌║▌║█│▌
Attack on Titan! I swear, Eren's character development is just outstanding.
<Can we fucking not with the anime? How about the Joe Biden fuckup? The administration is pissing me off.
Anon: Yeah, and in other news, water is wet. What else is new?
>You lads catch the John Wick 4 trailer? Looks banging!!
<They should've stopped after the first one. It's just rinse and repeat now.
Anon: The entire action movie genre is pretty much rinse and repeat, mate.
>Y'all ever catch those indie films? Like Moonlight or Lady Bird?
<Whoa, we got a fancy film connoisseur over here! Piss off, mate!
Anon: Alright, chill. Back to normalcy. Did you guys check out the newest iPhone leak?
>Adding another camera—what a revolution!
<Fuck Apple. Overpriced piece of shit. Android ftw.
Anon: Always been more of the PC Master Race and Android phone kinda guy.
>What's the point of arguing about gadgets? Just use what suits you best and shut up unless it's Apple, then reconsider your life choices
<Let's argue about pineapple on pizza instead. Because if you like that, we really can't be friends.
Anon: Pizza debate now, eh? Nice segue...
>The only correct pizza topping is more pizza.
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