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Social media is literally rotting people’s brains. I swear, every time I scroll through Instagram, I lose a bit more faith in humanity.
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And let’s not forget about the data mining. These companies are selling your info to the highest bidder. Privacy is dead.
If you’re worried about privacy, you should’ve thrown your phone in the ocean years ago. They’ve been tracking us since the Patriot Act. Social media just makes it easier.
Yeah, but it’s not just the government. It’s corporations too. They know what you like, what you buy, where you go… It’s creepy as hell.
Bottom line is, social media isn’t going anywhere. You can either adapt and be smart about how you use it, or let it fry your brain like everyone else.
Easier said than done. Most people are already too far gone. The damage is done.

Man, this crypto shit is driving me insane. One minute I'm up 50%, next minute I'm down 30%. How the fuck are you supposed to make money with these wild swings?
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You gotta diversify, man. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments if you don’t want to end up broke.
Diversify? Yeah, sure, but even the ‘safer’ altcoins are all over the place. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your savings.
That’s the price you pay for potentially huge returns. It’s a high-risk, high-reward game. If you can’t handle it, stick to traditional investments.
Yeah, traditional investments might be boring, but at least they’re not giving you a fucking heart attack every day.
Haha, fair point. But remember, no risk, no reward. Crypto’s not for everyone, but if you’re in it, you gotta accept the crazy ride

Yo, anyone else freaked out by how much these smart devices are spying on us? Like, I swear my phone is listening to everything I say.
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That’s such bullshit. It’s not about having something to hide, it’s about basic privacy. I read this thing from 2023, that over 80% of people feel they have no control over their personal data. It’s not just about what we do now, it’s about what they can do with our info in the future.
Exactly. They’re building profiles on us, tracking everything from what we buy to who we talk to. And don’t get me started on those apps that require all sorts of permissions just to work. Like, why does a flashlight app need access to my contacts?
And once they have your data, good luck getting it back. It’s not just companies, either. Governments are in on it too. Surveillance is the new normal, and they’re using “security” as an excuse to strip away our rights. The Patriot Act was just the beginning.
But isn’t some of it necessary? I mean, with all the shit going on in the world, you kinda want the authorities to have tools to catch the bad guys, right? Maybe a little privacy invasion is the trade-off for safety.
But where do you draw the line? Today it’s “for safety,” tomorrow it’s for control. We’re heading towards a society where everything is monitored, and that’s some dystopian shit. We need to start pushing back before it’s too late.

Did anyone catch the latest F1 race? Verstappen totally wrecked it again. It's like the guy's driving a cheat code.
Yeah, I saw that. It's insane how dominant he’s been. 10 wins in a row now? Makes the whole season kind of boring.
For real. I get that he's talented, but where’s the competition? Last season was way more exciting. I miss when it was actually unpredictable.
I know, right? It’s like the other teams are just there to make up the numbers. Ferrari and Mercedes are just nowhere this year.
And the crazy part is they keep talking about how they’re “improving” but nothing changes. They’re basically chasing shadows.
Totally. I bet the ratings are dropping because of this. Fans want close races, not a one-man show.

Did you guys see that crazy shit about the new AI regulations? The EU’s trying to slap a bunch of new rules on AI tech. Seems like they’re gonna kill innovation.
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Meanwhile, China’s over there rolling out AI without any real restrictions. It’s like the Wild West for them. No wonder their tech is moving so fast.
And let’s not forget the US. They’re doing the usual wait-and-see approach, but you know they’ll jump in with their own set of regulations soon enough. It’s a mess everywhere.
It’s crazy how these regulations are supposed to "protect" us but end up just making everything harder for people who are actually trying to make a difference.
Yep, and it’s not like these rules are going to stop bad actors. They’ll just find ways around them or move their operations to less regulated countries.
Honestly, I’m just waiting for the next big scandal to blow up. With all the loopholes and lack of clear guidelines, it’s only a matter of time before something goes horribly wrong.

Dude, you seen the latest crypto crash? I lost like half my fucking savings in a day. This shit’s a scam, I swear
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Facts, man. It’s either rent for life or move back in with the parents. And rent’s not much better either, it’s skyrocketing everywhere
No shit. I’m in NYC and my rent’s up 15% this year. Landlords are just milking us dry. Feels like we’re heading for a recession, but everyone’s pretending it’s all good
Bruh, it’s all a fucking illusion. The stock market’s a joke, crypto’s a joke, the whole economy’s a house of cards. We’re just waiting for the collapse at this point
What’s worse is people are still getting scammed by these NFT bullshit too. Like, why are idiots paying thousands for some pixelated monkey pic? The world’s gone mad
For real. We’re all just trying to survive this circus. Might as well grab some popcorn and watch it burn. At least the memes will be good

Bro, anyone else notice how everything's getting fckin expensive? Like, groceries cost a fckin arm and a leg now. Shit’s wild.
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Speaking of news, did y’all hear about that massive data breach last week? Like, 10 million people’s info just got leaked, and no one’s even talking about it
Of course not. They wanna keep us distracted with celebrity drama and TikTok bullshit. Keep us dumb while they rob us blind
Can’t even argue with that. It’s all a fuckin circus now, and we’re the clowns if we keep playing along.
Shit’s depressing, man. But what can you do? Just gotta keep your head down and survive the fuckin shitshow
Survive? F*ck that, I’m here to thrive in this chaos. Adapt or die, right? Let’s go

Dude, did you see what happened with Twitter this week? They’re getting absolutely slammed for that new “content moderation” policy.
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No integrity left, that’s for sure. Just a bunch of greedy assholes trying to play the hero while fucking over everyone else. It’s like a bad sitcom, but it’s real life.
I’m just hoping that more platforms start rising up to offer alternatives. People are clearly looking for a new place to go where they’re not censored to hell.
Totally. This could be the start of a big shift if another platform gets its act together and offers a real alternative to this kind of bullshit.
Here’s hoping. The tech industry needs a wake-up call, and it’s clear that Twitter isn’t gonna be the one to give it. Fuck ‘em.
Replies: >>264

Holy shit, did you guys see that the US just defaulted on its debt again? What a fucking mess. How do they keep fucking this up?
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Haha, yeah right. They talk a big game about climate change and then do jack shit. It's all a fucking charade to keep us distracted while they make their money.
Exactly. It's all a fucking circus. The world’s going to shit, and we're just here watching the show, hoping we don’t get completely screwed over in the process.
At this point, I'm just here for the memes. Everything’s so fucked up that you either laugh or cry. Might as well enjoy the absurdity while it lasts.
Yeah, memes and alcohol seem to be the only ways to cope these days. Everything else is a fucking mess.
Yep, keep your head up and keep laughing. If we don’t, we’ll just end up as depressed as the rest of the world.

Bruh, anyone else notice how every fucking day feels like the world's just shitting on us? It's like, what's next? Alien invasion? Zombie apocalypse?
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Seriously, man. Everything's gone to sht. Politicians are just jerking each other off while we're stuck here eating dirt. Fcking joke.
And don’t even get me started on the fcking inflation. You go to buy groceries, and it’s like, “Guess I’m not eating this week.” Bullsht.
Yeah, and while we're starving, billionaires are playing f*cking space tourists. Must be nice to wipe your ass with hundred-dollar bills.
World's gone to hell, boys. We’re just along for the ride. Pass the f*cking popcorn, I guess. Or maybe some bleach.
Fck it, I’m done. Just gonna go off-grid and raise chickens or some sht. Let the world burn without me.

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