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Did you guys see that crazy shit about the new AI regulations? The EU’s trying to slap a bunch of new rules on AI tech. Seems like they’re gonna kill innovation.
Yeah, I saw. They’re talking about making companies prove their AI systems are "trustworthy" before they even launch. Sounds like a nightmare for startups.
It’s total bullshit. Just another way for big corporations to squash smaller players. They can afford to jump through all these hoops, but indie devs are screwed.
Exactly. And they’re talking about fines up to €20 million for non-compliance. For a small company, that’s game over.
Meanwhile, China’s over there rolling out AI without any real restrictions. It’s like the Wild West for them. No wonder their tech is moving so fast.
And let’s not forget the US. They’re doing the usual wait-and-see approach, but you know they’ll jump in with their own set of regulations soon enough. It’s a mess everywhere.
It’s crazy how these regulations are supposed to "protect" us but end up just making everything harder for people who are actually trying to make a difference.
Yep, and it’s not like these rules are going to stop bad actors. They’ll just find ways around them or move their operations to less regulated countries.
Honestly, I’m just waiting for the next big scandal to blow up. With all the loopholes and lack of clear guidelines, it’s only a matter of time before something goes horribly wrong.
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