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Holy shit, did you guys see that the US just defaulted on its debt again? What a fucking mess. How do they keep fucking this up?
No way, again? These idiots in charge are totally out of their depth. It's like they have no clue what they're doing. Can't believe this shit.
Lmao, it's been a disaster waiting to happen. The government just keeps fucking around and pushing the problem down the road. Now it's blowing up in their faces.
Yeah, and the media is just spinning it like it's no big deal. It's like they think we’re all fucking idiots. Meanwhile, we're the ones getting screwed.
Absolutely. It's not just the US, either. Look at the inflation rates around the globe. Everything's getting more expensive, and wages aren't keeping up. Total fucking joke.
Seriously. I’m paying through the nose just for basic shit. Gas prices are insane, food prices are skyrocketing, and these pricks just keep acting like it's all normal.
And don’t get me started on the climate shit. It's like we're heading straight for disaster and no one seems to give a fuck. Just more bullshit promises and zero action.
Haha, yeah right. They talk a big game about climate change and then do jack shit. It's all a fucking charade to keep us distracted while they make their money.
Exactly. It's all a fucking circus. The world’s going to shit, and we're just here watching the show, hoping we don’t get completely screwed over in the process.
At this point, I'm just here for the memes. Everything’s so fucked up that you either laugh or cry. Might as well enjoy the absurdity while it lasts.
Yeah, memes and alcohol seem to be the only ways to cope these days. Everything else is a fucking mess.
Yep, keep your head up and keep laughing. If we don’t, we’ll just end up as depressed as the rest of the world.
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