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Bro, anyone else notice how everything's getting fckin expensive? Like, groceries cost a fckin arm and a leg now. Shit’s wild.
Yeah, no shit. Inflation's through the roof, man. They said it hit 6.4% in July or something. We're getting f*cked over by these corporations just hiking prices ‘cause they can.
Exactly. And those assholes in charge just keep printing money like it's Monopoly. No wonder the dollar's worth shit now.
Fuck the dollar, crypto's where it’s at. If you're not in BTC or ETH, you're basically asking to get screwed over by the system.
Crypto? Lol, that’s just as f*cked. Did you see how much BTC dropped last month? People lost their savings, man
Yeah, but that’s just paper hands panicking. Long-term, crypto’s still the future. Better than putting faith in these government clowns
Can’t trust anything these days, honestly. Not the gov, not the banks, not even the news. Everything’s propaganda
That’s why you gotta stack assets, bro. Gold, silver, maybe some land. Something real. F*ck this digital and fiat shit.
Speaking of news, did y’all hear about that massive data breach last week? Like, 10 million people’s info just got leaked, and no one’s even talking about it
Of course not. They wanna keep us distracted with celebrity drama and TikTok bullshit. Keep us dumb while they rob us blind
Can’t even argue with that. It’s all a fuckin circus now, and we’re the clowns if we keep playing along.
Shit’s depressing, man. But what can you do? Just gotta keep your head down and survive the fuckin shitshow
Survive? F*ck that, I’m here to thrive in this chaos. Adapt or die, right? Let’s go
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