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Dude, you seen the latest crypto crash? I lost like half my fucking savings in a day. This shit’s a scam, I swear
Bro, same here. Bitcoin tanked 20% overnight. I’m starting to think this whole thing’s just a big-ass Ponzi scheme. All the big whales are fucking us over
Lmao, I told y’all months ago this was gonna happen. The writing was on the wall. Elon tweets something stupid, and the whole market shits itself
Yeah, but it’s not just Elon. The feds are cracking down hard on this shit too. They’re talking about more regulations, and you know that’s gonna screw us even more. Can’t even make money in this clown world
Exactly. And it’s not just crypto. Have you seen the housing market? Prices are up 30% in some places. Millennials are fucked. We’ll never own a house at this rate
Facts, man. It’s either rent for life or move back in with the parents. And rent’s not much better either, it’s skyrocketing everywhere
No shit. I’m in NYC and my rent’s up 15% this year. Landlords are just milking us dry. Feels like we’re heading for a recession, but everyone’s pretending it’s all good
Bruh, it’s all a fucking illusion. The stock market’s a joke, crypto’s a joke, the whole economy’s a house of cards. We’re just waiting for the collapse at this point
What’s worse is people are still getting scammed by these NFT bullshit too. Like, why are idiots paying thousands for some pixelated monkey pic? The world’s gone mad
For real. We’re all just trying to survive this circus. Might as well grab some popcorn and watch it burn. At least the memes will be good
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