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Yo, anyone else freaked out by how much these smart devices are spying on us? Like, I swear my phone is listening to everything I say.
You’re not paranoid, man. It’s a fact. These devices are always on, always collecting data. Just last year, there were reports that Alexa and Google Home were recording conversations without permission. It’s all in the fine print, but who the hell reads that?
It's not just the smart speakers, though. Think about the cameras everywhere. They just installed new CCTV cameras on my street. And they're not the old shitty ones; these have facial recognition and everything. We’re all being watched 24/7.
Yeah, but what can you do? You gonna stop using your phone, ditch all tech? It’s the price we pay for convenience. Besides, who cares if they’re collecting data? If you’re not doing anything wrong, why worry?
That’s such bullshit. It’s not about having something to hide, it’s about basic privacy. I read this thing from 2023, that over 80% of people feel they have no control over their personal data. It’s not just about what we do now, it’s about what they can do with our info in the future.
Exactly. They’re building profiles on us, tracking everything from what we buy to who we talk to. And don’t get me started on those apps that require all sorts of permissions just to work. Like, why does a flashlight app need access to my contacts?
And once they have your data, good luck getting it back. It’s not just companies, either. Governments are in on it too. Surveillance is the new normal, and they’re using “security” as an excuse to strip away our rights. The Patriot Act was just the beginning.
But isn’t some of it necessary? I mean, with all the shit going on in the world, you kinda want the authorities to have tools to catch the bad guys, right? Maybe a little privacy invasion is the trade-off for safety.
But where do you draw the line? Today it’s “for safety,” tomorrow it’s for control. We’re heading towards a society where everything is monitored, and that’s some dystopian shit. We need to start pushing back before it’s too late.
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