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Social media is literally rotting people’s brains. I swear, every time I scroll through Instagram, I lose a bit more faith in humanity.
Oh, here we go again, the “social media is evil” rant. Newsflash: It’s not the apps, it’s the dumbasses using them. People were idiots before Instagram.
Yeah, but now it’s like they have a platform to be even bigger idiots. You see those TikTok challenges? Kids eating Tide Pods, like WTF? That shit wasn’t happening before.
Social media is just a tool. If you're dumb enough to eat a Tide Pod because you saw it on TikTok, that's natural selection at work. Darwin would be proud.
But seriously, the constant comparison, the need to post the “perfect” life… it’s no wonder depression rates are skyrocketing. It’s like 25% of teens have some kind of anxiety disorder now.
That’s because parents stopped parenting. They hand over a phone and let TikTok raise their kids, then blame the app when their kid turns into a zombie.
True, but these platforms are designed to be addictive. Facebook literally has engineers tweaking the algorithms to keep you hooked. They don’t give a damn about your mental health.
That’s capitalism, baby. If you’re not paying for the product, you ARE the product. Everyone knows this, yet they still spend hours scrolling like zombies. It’s pathetic.
And then you get influencers selling bullshit like detox teas and flat tummy gummies. It’s all a scam, but people eat it up because their favorite “influencer” said it works.
 Influencers are just modern-day snake oil salesmen. And what’s worse is these kids think it’s a legit career. “I’m gonna be a YouTuber when I grow up.” Good luck with that.
The worst part is the fake news. People see something on Twitter or Facebook and take it as gospel. That’s how you end up with flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers.
Social media has turned the world into an echo chamber. People only see what they want to see, and it just makes everyone dumber and more divided.
And let’s not forget about the data mining. These companies are selling your info to the highest bidder. Privacy is dead.
If you’re worried about privacy, you should’ve thrown your phone in the ocean years ago. They’ve been tracking us since the Patriot Act. Social media just makes it easier.
Yeah, but it’s not just the government. It’s corporations too. They know what you like, what you buy, where you go… It’s creepy as hell.
Bottom line is, social media isn’t going anywhere. You can either adapt and be smart about how you use it, or let it fry your brain like everyone else.
Easier said than done. Most people are already too far gone. The damage is done.
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