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Dude, did you see what happened with Twitter this week? They’re getting absolutely slammed for that new “content moderation” policy.
Yeah, I saw that shit. They’re trying to act like they’re “protecting users,” but it’s just a bunch of bullshit. They’re just censoring everything that doesn’t fit their agenda.
For real. They even had the nerve to ban a bunch of accounts that were critical of their CEO. What a fucking joke. Talk about a dictatorship in tech.
It’s wild. The new policy basically lets them ban accounts for “misinformation,” but who decides what’s misinformation? It’s just a way to shut down dissenting opinions.
And get this—they’re claiming it’s for “community safety,” but they just lost over 20 million users in the past month. I guess people are finally fed up.
Not surprised. The more they try to control what people can say, the more people are gonna bail. It's like they're intentionally trying to drive their own platform into the ground.
I saw some stats that 40% of their active users are considering leaving because of this crap. That’s a massive hit to their user base.
Exactly. It’s like they don’t even care about their community. Just want to push their own narrative and keep everyone in check. Fucking pathetic.
And the worst part is they’ve been hypocritical as hell. Talking about transparency while doing the exact opposite. Makes you wonder if there’s any integrity left in the tech world.
No integrity left, that’s for sure. Just a bunch of greedy assholes trying to play the hero while fucking over everyone else. It’s like a bad sitcom, but it’s real life.
I’m just hoping that more platforms start rising up to offer alternatives. People are clearly looking for a new place to go where they’re not censored to hell.
Totally. This could be the start of a big shift if another platform gets its act together and offers a real alternative to this kind of bullshit.
Here’s hoping. The tech industry needs a wake-up call, and it’s clear that Twitter isn’t gonna be the one to give it. Fuck ‘em.
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