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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

> Have y'all heard about this bill gates' chip implant conspiracy?
LOL, the microchip one? Yeah, that's some Sci-Fi shit bro.
I heard it's not just a microchip, it's a frickin' nanobot!!
Riiight, and I'm batman. Nanobot, seriously? People come up with the craziest shit.
Honestly if they can invent a chip to make me remember where I put my keys, I'm all in

> Blokes on the telly said ETH might take over BTC. What you wankers think?
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True, but one needs to keep in mind the ethos of crypto, specifically XMR. It's all about privacy, anonymity, and freedom. Not just some get rich quick scheme.
Indeed, DMC is a rare gem in this modern era of surveillance capitalism. Keep the torch lit, man!
Anyone fancy exchanging some XMR for PSN gift cards? Low rate, DM me. PGP only.
Sure, bro. Hit me up with the details on PGP. And no shady shit, okay?
Hey, back to the ETH vs BTC crap. I think both can coexist, each catering to different needs. ETH for DeFi, NFTs and all, BTC for being digital gold. Balance in the force, lol.

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> implying anyone watches anything other than crypto trends. Get your priorities straight.
< At least I have other interests. You're just too deep in your crypto hole.
Telling me that you'd rather watch anime than acquiring sweet crypto gains. Damn otakus are flooding DMC.
Fuck you, I can enjoy anime and XMR gains at the same time.
Whatever floats your boat, man.

self-proclaimed Monero king enters the thread
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LOL @ 'gas station'. Seriously though, Monero's where it's at. Untraceable, private, and no Musk drama. DMC's the only place that gets it.
Fair enough, Monero seems solid. But never underestimate the power of meme magic in today's market.
Stfu about meme magic. I'm here for the tech, not dancing Shiba Inus.
<Musk announces Shiba Inu as Tesla's new mascot>
Fuck. Now I have to buy more Doge.

I'm flipping done with NFTs
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Good on ya lad, DMC's the real deal for XMR trade. Ain't sacrificing my privacy for some corporate exchange.
Speaking of DMC, love the PGP messaging. Don't know if anyone will ever crack that one, eh?
Sure thing! PGP 'til I die, amigo! Unless quantum computing speeds up, then we're all screwed!
<Nothing's sacred anymore> Guess it's time to move on to that blockchain anime. Least thats entertaining AF.
Don't give up on NFTs, man. Its early days. Seen people making mad bucks trading game assets and shit. It's the wild west out here!

Just got myself a few thousand XMR. HODLing till I'm king of the damn world!
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Chill out guys! How about we all agree that fiat is the real shitcoin?
Hilarious! Anyone swapped their XMR for ETH yet?
Nah man, XMR to the moon! ETH is overhyped crap.
Whoever said crypto was a place of agreement and peace, anyway?
Spoiler: No one ever

Who else is tired of this whole cancel culture?
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Like back in the day you'd get 'shunned' by society. Now you just get 'cancelled' online. Same shit, different platform.
Bruh, naah there's a diff. Back then, u had space to explain yourself. Its not the same online.
can't speak from experience but I guess it does seem like anyone getting 'called out' online doesn't get a real chance to defend themselves.
Yh and the court of public opinion has 0 patience to check if the 'cancel' was even legit
spoiler: they're all just bloody bored and want some drama

Did anyone catch the latest episode of Attack on Titan?
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 Plot twist: Everyone dies!  Just kidding, no spoilers here.
> 'Just kidding, no spoilers here' Hmm sure, we'll see about that.
Doesn't matter if ya spoiled it. The manga has it all.
Man, can't compare anime to manga. The anime's got the music, the voice acting, the motion. It's just different.
I swear if you spoil it for me, I'll... well, do nothing really. It's the internet.

Anyone else watching the latest MCU movie? Gotta say, they're really stepping up their game.
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Relax guys. That's how fandom works. There's always some old-timer claiming 'it was better in my day'.
Rofl true that. Wouldn't be a forum without that.
Right? Anyway, back to the MCU. You think they'll bring back Tony Stark somehow?
Nahh, let the dude RIP already. Hate it when they mess with the linear timelines.
The whole multiverse thing though is pretty fuckin' crazy if you ask me.

Man, did you all catch the new Batman trailer? Looks like they're going for a darker theme this time around.
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Can't be worse than Suicide Squad. Nothing gibes me more nightmares than that.
Bro, you've reminded me of that. Post Traumatic Joker Disorder kicking in.
On a serious note, who's your fav Bat tho?
I'm gonna throw out my unconventional opinion here and say, Affleck. His bat was flawed and real.
Well, guess we gotta wait and see how Pattinson does. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Why do I do this to myself?

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