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Anyone else watching the latest MCU movie? Gotta say, they're really stepping up their game.
yeah bro, totally. Loved the last fight scene. Felt like a real throwback to the old comics.
>Old comics
 Hahaha, 'nice' try kiddo. You probably weren't even born when those were around.
Bruh, why the hostility? We're all fans here.
Relax guys. That's how fandom works. There's always some old-timer claiming 'it was better in my day'.
Rofl true that. Wouldn't be a forum without that.
Right? Anyway, back to the MCU. You think they'll bring back Tony Stark somehow?
Nahh, let the dude RIP already. Hate it when they mess with the linear timelines.
The whole multiverse thing though is pretty fuckin' crazy if you ask me.
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