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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

I'm flipping done with NFTs
What? Still haven't made your crypto fortune, mate? Poor sod.
Nah, keep your condescending shite. Ain't about the money. The whole thing's a mess, hyped dots selling for millions, makes no sense...
Spoiler alert: Not everything in life has to make sense. Speaking of sense, anyone seen the XMR drop today? Snatched a nice deal on DMC.
Good on ya lad, DMC's the real deal for XMR trade. Ain't sacrificing my privacy for some corporate exchange.
Speaking of DMC, love the PGP messaging. Don't know if anyone will ever crack that one, eh?
Sure thing! PGP 'til I die, amigo! Unless quantum computing speeds up, then we're all screwed!
<Nothing's sacred anymore> Guess it's time to move on to that blockchain anime. Least thats entertaining AF.
Don't give up on NFTs, man. Its early days. Seen people making mad bucks trading game assets and shit. It's the wild west out here!
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