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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

> Blokes on the telly said ETH might take over BTC. What you wankers think?
That's just pure bollocks! BTC isn't going anywhere, mate. Learn some crypto fundamentals.
I second that. But hey, who cares about fundamentals anyways. It's all about quick bucks, ain't it?
Haha, look at this guy. 'quick bucks' at the price of risking your freedom and privacy. No offense, but idiots like you are the reason why this world is fucked up rn.
Well, aren't you the crypto philosopher? Didn't mean to piss in your cereal, dude. Chill, it's DMC, not the bloody crypto Athenaeum.
True, but one needs to keep in mind the ethos of crypto, specifically XMR. It's all about privacy, anonymity, and freedom. Not just some get rich quick scheme.
Indeed, DMC is a rare gem in this modern era of surveillance capitalism. Keep the torch lit, man!
Anyone fancy exchanging some XMR for PSN gift cards? Low rate, DM me. PGP only.
Sure, bro. Hit me up with the details on PGP. And no shady shit, okay?
Hey, back to the ETH vs BTC crap. I think both can coexist, each catering to different needs. ETH for DeFi, NFTs and all, BTC for being digital gold. Balance in the force, lol.
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