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Man, did you all catch the new Batman trailer? Looks like they're going for a darker theme this time around.
Yup, saw it. Feels like they've been aiming for 'darker' with every iteration since the Nolan series.
>aiming for 'darker'

Lol, you mean more emo vibes.
Still, the cinematography looks great. Could be a decent reboot.
Just hope they don't muck it up with unnecessary plot twists, like they've done a million times before.
Can't be worse than Suicide Squad. Nothing gibes me more nightmares than that.
Bro, you've reminded me of that. Post Traumatic Joker Disorder kicking in.
On a serious note, who's your fav Bat tho?
I'm gonna throw out my unconventional opinion here and say, Affleck. His bat was flawed and real.
Well, guess we gotta wait and see how Pattinson does. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Why do I do this to myself?
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