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TV series discussion
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Why the fuck would you say that, lad? Use the damn spoiler tag. Some people...
You're just a bunch of Netflix junkies. You should try something more cerebral like WKUK or The IT Crowd.
Glad to see another intellectual in this cesspool. IT Crowd is bloody brilliant.
> IT Crowd is an unfunny nerd show. Change my mind.
Don't need to change ur mind, ur just wrong.

Joe Rogan's latest podcast was trash, man. That guy has become a total sellout, just like the rest of them.
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Chill guys, it's all entertainment. Can't we just enjoy stuff without comparing all the time?
Imagine enjoying things on the internet without arguments. What are you, new here or just retarded?
Alright y'all, gotta go. Don't have a life. Stay safe, or don't. I don't really care.
Finally, the party pooper's gone. Back to trolling now.
Sure, sure... until your mom calls you for dinner. Lmao.

I don't understand why everyone's having a hard-on for this Logan Paul fella.
>Because normies eat that shit up
Fuckin hell, who's this Logan Paul guy even?
>Some YT celeb who was in the news for his jackass behavior in suicide forest or some shit

>Remember when we were kids and we'd be excited about new cartoons gonna air
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would rather watch paint dry than play that shit
Actually, I've been enjoying it a lot after the last 2 patches... it feels like what it was supposed to be originally
< look at this guy, CDPR's undercover agent or what?
I'm just sayin', I like it now. Sue me
Whatever floats your boat mate. Just keep it away from us

Latest MCU Scoop
New Spiderman is gonna be dank af.
> Be Tom Holland, making millions while still a teen.
< Can't act for shit though. Just needs to cry and the audience weeps as well.
Who needs talent when you're a superhero, amirite? As long as ya don't leak the plot, all's good lol.

Anyone else pissed off about The Mandalorian getting canned? Thanks a lot Disney+ overcrowded slate.
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Okay, okay. Can we veer off the Marvel vs DC debate for once? Gets boring after a while...
Oh, look who wants to change the topic. Maybe he’s got Snyder cut PTSD.
Shut it, ya dingus. Let's talk the UK fuel crisis instead. Now that's fucked up.
Not really here for the politics man. More of a pop culture guy myself.
Same here. I'll take Squid Game over the UK fuel crisis any day.

Got damn, anyone see the latest Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep?
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Dude, never underestimate the power of Russian crazy. It’s unmatched. 
Truth! Well, this has been enlightening. Gotta split b4 chief catches me on here instead of working. Laters!
Cheers, mate. Don’t let the grind get to ya.
See ya, don’t forget that TPS report! 
End my sufferin', lol. Peace.

I heard the new Batman is gonna be lit, even trailer got BTS's music! Modern yet vintage, you get my vibe?
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Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black Bat? Jim Carrey set the bar high, dude.
Can't say I'm pumped about Battinson, but I'll stick around for the memes. Batsoup gave us long-lasting ones.
Oh c'mon, we all know that was just Batfleck having a bad case of corona, way before it was a big deal.
Anyone else think that the folks belting out the national anthem at every single sports event are just showboating?
You better not start that shite here, buddy. Think we got enough political bs everyday.

Aight guys, WTF is up with that damn Dogecoin?
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Lmao! Can I get a tl;dr of what happened with GameStop? Totally out of the loop here!
GME went to the moon mate. Bunch of reddit keyboard warriors vs Wall Street suits. We got popcorn and watched it explode!
Is it too late to get in?
Don't aske me, ain't no financial advisor. Saw some TikTokers buying too tho, for whatever that's worth.
Damn... money's just a social experiment now, huh?

Hey, anyone else see that new Invincible series on Prime? S**t's fire, man
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Honestly, I still don't know what to feel about Jared Leto's Joker. Feels like they're trying too hard with him
Speaking of trying too hard, don't get me started on Cyberpunk 2077...
Dude... Cyberpunk was a disaster. Felt like they slapped together random cool shit and expected it to work
Wait, hold on. You're saying WandaVision wasn't trying hard? That sitcom s*** was the definition of trying too hard!
lol. Everything's 'trying too hard' for you. Maybe just... chill, bro?

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