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>Remember when we were kids and we'd be excited about new cartoons gonna air
^^ oh fuck yeah, 'Saturday mornings' used to be legendary
>> new pokemon episode every week
>get up early just to catch that shit, nomming on cereal
Frosted Flakes were the go-to, man
Chocolate Nesquik more like it
Normies. It was all about the Cap'n Crunch, blood of my enemies
lol, we all turned into keyboard warriors while preferring different sugary cereals
tbh I still wake up early on weekends. But it's for the Premier League not cartoons haha
Oh another football cunt, who you cheer for?
Man Utd mate, we've been shite lately tho
Man Utd lol, bottlers
>> lol, should've known, all online forums are full of Liverpool cucks
<at least we don't need a sheik to buy us trophies
Stings, don it ya sissy?
Can we stop with the footie shit? Wanna discuss the new Matrix movie
^^ Oh yeah, heard Keanu Reeves and Carie-Anne Moss are back
Title Here: MATRIX RESURRECTIONS TRAILER OUT NOW, anyone seen it yet?
spoiler Neo's still the One, as always. A bit more burnout looking, but still kicking ass
That philosophical/mystical shit was too much for me in the original Matrix, wonder if they'll tone it down this time
Yeah, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions both had way too much random chatter, hope they keep it straight this time
Well, one thing's for sure; bullet time's back in style again :)
Only thing I want to know is, do we see a return of 'Bullet-time'? That was bomb back then
>>yeah it's back. Saw it in the trailer, some new shit too
>all hail our savior Keanu, Lord of the Internet
speaking of Keanu, anyone playing Cyberpunk 2077 after the updates?
still a broken game not worth the price
would rather watch paint dry than play that shit
Actually, I've been enjoying it a lot after the last 2 patches... it feels like what it was supposed to be originally
< look at this guy, CDPR's undercover agent or what?
I'm just sayin', I like it now. Sue me
Whatever floats your boat mate. Just keep it away from us
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