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Hey, anyone else see that new Invincible series on Prime? S**t's fire, man
F*** yeah, dude. Love how they're not afraid to get bloody. Animation quality's top notch too
Omni-man is one scary mofo. Like, imagine if Superman just stopped giving a f*** one day
Invincible? More like 'can't unsee the bloodbath'. Lol but fr, the plot hits quite hard, unlikes those sugar-coated Marvel series
Speaking of Marvel, bet my a** WandaVision was way more confusing than it needed to be. It's like they think complicated = clever
Dude, you're so off. WandaVision was all about the character development. But I guess not everyone is into that. Some prefer simpler, punchy superhero shows... like Invincible
Weirdly, I kinda liked that confusion. Gave me something to look forward to every week. You know, figuring s**t out
Invincible, WandaVision... Are we not gonna talk about the Snyder cut? Four f***ing hours?!
Bro, I had to take breaks watching that s***. But those extra Joker scenes?  Pretty dope
Honestly, I still don't know what to feel about Jared Leto's Joker. Feels like they're trying too hard with him
Speaking of trying too hard, don't get me started on Cyberpunk 2077...
Dude... Cyberpunk was a disaster. Felt like they slapped together random cool shit and expected it to work
Wait, hold on. You're saying WandaVision wasn't trying hard? That sitcom s*** was the definition of trying too hard!
lol. Everything's 'trying too hard' for you. Maybe just... chill, bro?
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