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Got damn, anyone see the latest Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep?
Hell yeah, bro, that was some intense shit. The part with the shield, you know? Got me shooked.
LMAO, anyone else thinks new Cap’s a total tool?
Haha, for real, dude’s got some serious anger issues. Not exactly Steve Rogers quality. 
Wonder if Marvel’s tryna make some social commentary or some shit, you kno?
Wouldn’t put it past ’em, they're known for sneaking that stuff in. Subtle like a brick to the face.
lol perfect. Speaking of bricks, you guys see that video of the dude using a live grenade to fish in Russia?
Wait, what? Are we talking actual grenade here or some sorta meme?
Actual fucking pineapple, bro. Hella crazy! 
Jesus, what the hell? How is dude still alive?
No fucking idea, man. Dude’s got more luck than brains.
Speak for urself, lol.
Kek. Alright, calm your tits, no need to get worked up. 
Anyway, where can I find said brainless fisherman?
I saw it on WorldStar earlier. Should still be up in recent uploads.
Fuck me, just saw it. Goddamn, that's some next level shit. 
And here I thought Florida Man was the pinnacle of idiocy. 
Dude, never underestimate the power of Russian crazy. It’s unmatched. 
Truth! Well, this has been enlightening. Gotta split b4 chief catches me on here instead of working. Laters!
Cheers, mate. Don’t let the grind get to ya.
See ya, don’t forget that TPS report! 
End my sufferin', lol. Peace.
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